Magnum fails Test :(

Update on my exploits for those that are not sick of hearing about it :frowning:

I took the Magnum & trailer for test today, both failed. The annoying part is that a customer of ours (plant & hgv fitter) had promised twice to look it over for us & let us down. The result being that I took them both blind :blush:

Mag failed on:
No fog lights (should have checked them, I did every other light on it !)
No Blue line present (who’s gonna use it, but it’s fitted so must have a suzie)
One brake a bit low pressure.

One brake almost inoperative

Not a bad result for a 12 yr old truck & 20 yr old trailer

At least it should be an easy fix for the retest!

These are the sort of fails we owners will have to avoid if VOSA test fees go up with a bang!

Sorry to hear it failed John but it doesn’t sound as if it will take much to get it through next time.

:open_mouth: Blue line ■■, can’t remember the last time I saw one of those.
Maybe I can, but it was too long ago to admit :blush:

Sorry to hear of the failure.

:shock: Blue line ■■, can’t remember the last time I saw one of those.
Maybe I can, but it was too long ago to admit :blush:

Sorry to hear of the failure.

Ah! The joys of a modern truck!

For the younger people on here including myself whats a “blue line?”…

For the younger people on here including myself whats a “blue line?”…

Not a red or yellow one! (Blue is Auxilliary)

Don’t ask me what it does - that would be too technical!

In the days of old when trucks were trucks, and men were men and sheep were scared!

A lot of trucks had a deadman brake as well as a trailer brake on the steering column, this eventually got amalgamated into the handbrake and would apply the trailer brakes and front wheel brakes. for emergency use really

This was connected by a blue line, which was like a red line with a bigger coupling. This auxillary brake line was phased out as trucks got more brake power, and extra bigger air resovoirs. Instead of making things simple, truck and trailer manufacturers started adding extra suzies, ABS, Fog Lights and Tail Lift cables

Wheel Nut:
In the days of old when trucks were trucks, and men were men and sheep were scared!

A lot of trucks had a deadman brake as well as a trailer brake on the steering column, this eventually got amalgamated into the handbrake and would apply the trailer brakes and front wheel brakes. for emergency use really

better known as a “DEAD MANS HANDLE” :open_mouth: :laughing:

Thats a good result Toytown,nothing major.
Can i have your website addresse please, so i can keep track of your progress, thanks. :slight_smile: :sunglasses:

Wheel Nut:
In the days of old when trucks were trucks, and men were men and sheep were scared!

Or as my dad says: “When trucks were trucks, men were men and women were glad of it!”

Yep, like you have said Neil & Mad, nothing major, hopefully it will sail thru next thursday :smiley:

The smoke test was the best, ONE blast to 2400 revs for 5 secs & got a green light :open_mouth: Must be a reasonable old engine methinks :smiley:

Magnum progress web page is
— not updated it much lately, will post a few more bits on there this weekend

The blue line is as others have described above, I mentioned to the test guy that although it’s a '92 unit, I had driven lots of pre 90 vehicles with only 2 airlines :unamused: But apparently it’s there & must perform it’s function (will have to check in case it’s been converted to 2 lines & just cut off :confused:

Thanks for the reply Toytown,will have a look :slight_smile:

Good to see its nothing major Toyt, I do remember sometimes putting on a blue line, but I had no idea what it did.

As for a dead mans handle, we still have them in trucks over here. I think that is what they call a Johnson Brake here, stops the trailer dead in its tracks.

Keep us all updated Toyt.

