Mackays transport watford

Hello whoever is interested l used to work for Mackays transport in Watford.
The fitters in the garage were Jack Finn,Ron and Barry. In the office was Flo and Brian,Paul and Peter Miller who were the owners.The night truckers were Vick Potter and Bob Petty.The Liverpool drivers were John Brown,Huey Macleavy, Frank Cotela, Tony Ward and Gerry Brown the boss was Ted. Foreman in Watford were Johnny Norris, Stan Gladwin and Mick Jones. Drivers were Glenn Pugh, a student called Luke, Brian Jones(Mick jones brother), Colin Shelbourne, Ray Greenaway, Barry Henderson, an older fella Arthur, Tom Smith, Gary and Dave Simcox, Troy, Mick Wigg, Paul Aldridge, Bob and Ian Coleman, Bob and Jim Gaskell, Pat Freeman, Kipper,and myself Steve Males.The vehicles we had were mainly ERF with a couple of fords and an old Seddon-Atkinson DBM676T from wanders (ovaltine). I used to drive BNK142K rigid and SAR450J artic and an old D series Ford LNK 464D. These are the names I can remember but I’m sure they’re were more. I don’t know if this is of interest to anyone but I hope it is.


Here you go pal one of your memories. Les.

Here you go pal one of your memories. Les.

IIRC MacKays were a decent kind of outfit ( for a Southern one that is ! :wink: ) was one of their main customers a Stationary or Printing firm called Odhams or something similar from Watford IIRC Cheers Bewick.

Yes Dennis Odhams printed Mags,Books, Etc, I used to deliver Reels from Hendon Paper Mill Sunderland in the early 60s IIRC Their factory was on the north side of Watford, I used to load back with bricks from Stewartbey all handball in those days may I add,Regards Larry.

Lawrence Dunbar:
Yes Dennis Odhams printed Mags,Books, Etc, I used to deliver Reels from Hendon Paper Mill Sunderland in the early 60s IIRC Their factory was on the north side of Watford, I used to load back with bricks from Stewartbey all handball in those days may I add,Regards Larry.

Thanks for that Larry well at least my odd memory cell is still active, contrary to what Anne tells me at times ! Cheers Dennis.


Lawrence Dunbar:
Yes Dennis Odhams printed Mags,Books, Etc, I used to deliver Reels from Hendon Paper Mill Sunderland in the early 60s IIRC Their factory was on the north side of Watford, I used to load back with bricks from Stewartbey all handball in those days may I add,Regards Larry.

Thanks for that Larry well at least my odd memory cell is still active, contrary to what Anne tells me at times ! Cheers Dennis.

Well just have another nice Single Malt & chill out :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: , This is what I do when owld Margaret says I drink too much, She has just rang me on my mobile from upstairs & Im dowstairs on my laptop, Wel lI think she must still love me :wink: :wink: :wink: , We have been together a long time & I will be 84 this month, I think I might go out on the Lash,sink a few Largers & Whiskey Chasers , The get a good bollicking when I return to base :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: , Regards Larry.


Here you go pal one of your memories. Les.

IIRC MacKays were a decent kind of outfit ( for a Southern one that is ! :wink: ) was one of their main customers a Stationary or Printing firm called Odhams or something similar from Watford IIRC Cheers Bewick.

They were indeed very decent people, gentlemen in fact! As I recall, Peter & Paul Miller were twins and their mother was a Mackay.

In my Bowker days, we subbed quite a lot to them via their man in Liverpool, Ted, and I think they had one or two motrs outbased in Liverpool. Very occasionally we would take a northbound load from them, and I recall Ovaltine as being a significant customer for them. We used to deal with Paul after Ted finished (perhaps after ill health), and he was such a gentleman that he paid us rather more for a northbound load than we ever did for a southbound one!

As I recall, they never transitioned to 38T, partly because they could see that rates were being carved up so that the investment would not give a return. They finished in a very orderly fashion, but can’t remember now whether that was due to the loss of a customer. Would it have been the early 90s?

One of their tractors was restored by the late Alan Sleight, but I don’t know what became of it after he died.

Atkinson Day by Alan Sleight, on Flickr

D417PPP (1986) ERF E Series by Jim Bavin (Thanks for 4 MILLION Views), on Flickr

Friend of mine worked there, do you recognise him…■■


Here you go pal one of your memories. Les.

Thanks very much Les, it has bought back memories and it looks in better nick then me! Used to use it for farmers weekly for Odhams in Watford.



Friend of mine worked there, do you recognise him…■■

I recognise him… I am that man

Ok, I am sure this was Mackays.Maybe 1972/3 an elderly driver Sam?, drove a Commer 2 stroke artic.Certainly lik.ed his beer.
Does any body remember him, or is it just my of age confusing him with someone else?
Maybe he used to deliver magazines.

Mackay ERF BNK142K (Preserved)

Commer SAR442D Lorry Driver of the Year 1967 Ruislip

Commer SAR441D Lorry Driver of the Year 1967 Ruislip

Commer 527TRO 8ton Platform LDY 1967

Hello whoever is interested l used to work for Mackays transport in Watford.
The fitters in the garage were Jack Finn,Ron and Barry. In the office was Flo and Brian,Paul and Peter Miller who were the owners.The night truckers were Vick Potter and Bob Petty.The Liverpool drivers were John Brown,Huey Macleavy, Frank Cotela, Tony Ward and Gerry Brown the boss was Ted. Foreman in Watford were Johnny Norris, Stan Gladwin and Mick Jones. Drivers were Glenn Pugh, a student called Luke, Brian Jones(Mick jones brother), Colin Shelbourne, Ray Greenaway, Barry Henderson, an older fella Arthur, Tom Smith, Gary and Dave Simcox, Troy, Mick Wigg, Paul Aldridge, Bob and Ian Coleman, Bob and Jim Gaskell, Pat Freeman, Kipper,and myself Steve Males.The vehicles we had were mainly ERF with a couple of fords and an old Seddon-Atkinson DBM676T from wanders (ovaltine). I used to drive BNK142K rigid and SAR450J artic and an old D series Ford LNK 464D. These are the names I can remember but I’m sure they’re were more. I don’t know if this is of interest to anyone but I hope it is.


Hi Steve, I remember you from those days.
I joined Mackay’s in the mid/late 60’s first as a driver and then into the workshop. I had a D1000 4 wheeler to start but can’t remember the reg. then onto artics.
When Jack Finn retired I took over the running of the workshop.
The only other name I recall was Gordon Sweeting

Hello Baz
i don’t recall the name Gordon Sweeting but one name I forgot to put on the list was Fred Mills I have some old photos of some of us around an old barrel which we had a fire in.I think it was when the lorry driver strike was on I remember Dennis Mortimers lorries coming past Mackays yard.I also have a photo of one of Mackays trucks looking the worse for wear I think it was Ray Greenaways I’ll dig them out and put them on here. I have seen Ron with Tom Smith it was at Barry Henderson’s funeral.Nice to hear from you.


I remember McKays, nice tidy ERFs Cs & Es, I used to take printed leaflets down to the mirror group & Odihams, in the early 90s & always saw McKays lads there. The yard I remember was on the corner of Colonial way & imperial way.
& after they finished I delivered to their old yard, & in the garage was 2 C series ERFs in immaculate condition & I didn’t have my camera :cry:

Always well turned out

One of their old trailers at a farm I used to deliver to in Slough

From the rear

Bought this one a while back on ebay.

Hi Steve,

I remember you, it’s Ian Coleman