Mac users??

Any Mac users out there?
I 've got a G3 laptop, which I’d like to connect to a mobile so I can up and download while on the road in Europe this year. What do I need? Which phone, which connecting gizmo?
Off to Italy tomorrow 13th April, will be back in a week.

Don’t know anything about the Mac OS. However, the “nuts and bolts” of the system are very similar to PCs - its the system architecture thats different. It is possible to install Windows on a Mac or the Mac OS onto a PC. Anyway, I’m waffling !

I tried connecting my Nokia 3310 to my laptop but the cost of the cable is £70.00. All you need is any GSM phone. One end of the cable is for your phone, at the other end is a USB plug (most PCs nowadays have USB ports fitted as standard) - its as simple as that ! But £70.00 for a length of wire…its ridiculous !!!

Doesnt Infra Red do that for you without a cable.

Ive got an 8310 with infra red and I think yours has it too

My boss had a nokia communicator that worked off a nokia lead supplied with the phone

I don’t see why infra-red wouldn’t work, great idea ! Unfortunately, my 3310 doesn’t come with infra-red, got it off the back of a lorry !!!

Is that wireless stuff that you see on those pretentious IT adverts something to do with infra-red, or is it some kind of new technology ?

The new wireless stuff is probably bluetooth. It’s getting quite popular these days. The other one is “wifi” which is wireless networking. Also called 802.11. For this you can connect to other wireless networks in the area, but if you didn’t have a paid account with a service provider you’d have to partake in what is known as “wardriving” which is driving around to find unprotected wireless networks, which these days isnt advisable, even less when on tachos!

And with regards to spending £70 on a cable, that sounds a little on the steep side. Has your mobile actually got a modem in it? If it has then the cable should really max be about £20 if that!

There are a lot of companies on the web ( for example) that sell mobile parts quite cheap!

If you were going down the bluetooth method you’d need to make sure that the phone and the laptop were compatible as some aren’t despite apparently “adhering” to the standard!

If you can get a cable for your mobile to the laptop then obviously it would be better so wouldn’t need the lappy in line of sight to the IR eye.

Whatever system you take with you most of the basics are the same.

Alternatively, buy a PC !

And you can afford to run two different architecture/systems can you?

There are some that would argue that the Mac is far superior to a “PC” any day!


A Mac is a PC. :confused: :confused: :wink: :smiley:

Hmm, an interesting concept :slight_smile: Just Virus free eh! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

A Mac is a PC ? Playing devil’s advocate ? I’m sure you’re aware that most people use the term PC to describe a Windows machine, and Mac to describe an Apple MacIntosh machine !

Are we going to get into the old Mac and PC debate - which one is better ? Mac’s are probably better in terms of reliability and performance. For those who don’t know, Mac’s can only run hardware or software that meet the license requirements of Apple. This means that either the hardware or software has been designed specifically for the Mac architecture - therefore no conflicts, crashes, or the like. Also, when Apple release a new machine, it is generally faster than the top-of-the-range PCs (oops, I apologise - Windows machines) on the market. However, the software for a Mac is extremely limited and, although its possible, its difficult to upgrade the hardware within it. Some say its easier to use a Mac but if your used to a PC…

PCs are different. Of all the users that use this forum, very few will be using the same type of PC. Some will be off-the-shelf, some will be off-the-shelf but upgraded in someway, some will be built from scratch, and some cannabalised from others. All of us are using different motherboards, processors, monitors, HDDs, graphics cards, and so on. Therefore, its virtually impossible for programmers to develop software for each individual PC, thats why Windows machines are far more susceptable to crashes and conflicts.

Nevertheless, there are load of after-market products to build a Windows machine thats faster than any Mac - past or present. You could specify dual/faster processors, more memory, bigger HDD, a 256 MB graphics card, etc., difficult to do if you have a Mac !

Afford to run both systems/architectures ? Yes, if you know the right places to go on the Internet It is possible to run the Mac OS on a Windows PC. Its even possible to “dual boot” the Mac OS-X with Windows XP Pro. My brother works for a subsidiary of Apple and has to “dual boot” because all of his customers use Windows !!!

Which is better ? Mac or PC (aka Windows machine) ?


Well said Brummie :slight_smile:

I’ve had DTP & LAN experience of MACs (only 6 years in that side of things) but have really stuck to PC/Windows machines primarily due to the software available. However, what with increasing levels of spam, virii and the like, coupled in with the “something different” aspect I have partially migrated to Linux. I run a local webserver on this ADSL connection plus about 4 other machines. I don’t really feel safe any more with M$ equivilant software. Oh, and I can’t afford it either!

90% of my letters/emails/etc are symbian/epoc based :slight_smile: I can even browse here on my handheld :slight_smile:

A Mac is a PC ? Playing devil’s advocate ?

Yep. :wink: :smiley:

I’m sure you’re aware that most people use the term PC to describe a Windows machine, and Mac to describe an Apple MacIntosh machine

Maybe most people do but because most people get something wrong it doesn’t make it right :wink: and it doesn’t disguise the fact that both are Personal Computers that run different OS. I wouldn’t say one is better than the other overall, both have good points and bad points so it comes down to what you want to do with the machine and which OS offers you the best way of doing that. :smiley:

And then again there is Linux. :wink: :wink:

Maybe most people do but because most people get something wrong it doesn’t make it right and it doesn’t disguise the fact that both are Personal Computers that run different OS. I wouldn’t say one is better than the other overall, both have good points and bad points so it comes down to what you want to do with the machine and which OS offers you the best way of doing that.

And then again there is Linux.

Are you looking for an argument ? Yes, both are personal computers. However, for the benefit of most of the users here who have little computing experience, isn’t it prudent to clarify the difference between the two, using generally accepted terms ?

We could probably “post” all night using technical expressions most users would not understand. I thought the reason for this forum was for the more experienced user to give help and advice to the less experienced ?

For example, there’s a thread in the “Professional Drivers’ Forum” about steel transport. I wrote:

“If you use the “dog”, instead of the ratchet, use a hollow scaffold pole as an extension bar and close the mechanism at arm’s length, away from your face. Health & Safety will frown upon you if you use the extension bar as you’re supposed to close the handle by hand, yet you can never get the tension required without it.”

We know that using the scaffold pole is wrong but it is an accepted way of tensioning chains. We know that by calling Windows machines - PCs, and Macs - Macs, is wrong but its the accepted terminology. I suggest you write to most of the computer magazines, complaining profusely because they use the same terms to clarify the distinction between the two. Who am I to argue ?

And then you bring Linux into the equation ? Why not mention FreeBSD, OS2 Warp, DOS, Sun’s JavaOS, Lindows and the mulitude of lesser known OS’ such as Tao OS, 2K, Aegis and so on… ? Lets just confuse everybody !

Are you looking for an argument ?

No, I was messing about and having a laugh, note the use of many emoticons. Don’t take it so seriously. :wink: :smiley:

Sorry mate, I thought you were taking the michael !

No problem. :wink: :smiley: :sunglasses:

smeserver… it was interesting to read what you posted about bluetooth. I may be wrong, but the network that uses bluetooth at the moment is one that actually relies on bouncing across other signals for reception, particularly with video calling. Rather than bouncing from antenna, they find another handset that has bluetooth capabilities, and bounce off that signal to the recipient. Also, bluetooth has recently reported a virus. It is the first virus to be sent from mobile phone to mobile phone. I think that it is very similar to the old Lamptops way of connecting to the internet for nothing (supposedly) I think that while only one mobile phone company has bluetooth capabilities in it’s video calling, it will be safe enough, but when video calling is availiavle to all mobile networks next year, many more virus’ will spread via mobile phones. But it was quite interesting to read your comments.

see this for example:

P.S. Bill Gates is ■■■■■■■■ himself at the prospect of having wireless technology for any puter user. The people behind Bluetooth are the next Bill Gates. Wireless computers?? When did you last curse the wires behind your puter? 12 plugs… 34 wires?? Arggghhhh!! I think Bluetooth is the next thing that we are all going to have to live with.