M62(West Yorkshire) Police pulling hgvs over

I dont know if this topic as been covered bringing to your attention but looks like their may be a period now of police pulling HGVs up on the M62 noticed three three units and trailors pulled up earlier this afternoon.

Two west bound between 31 and 26 one belonging to haulier in North West(unmarked police car) and another food supplier in the East Midlands and one East bound major company(unmarked police car).

Saw this last week seemed strange to stop trucks on hard shoulder

Would they not possibly be stopping them to instruct them to pull off at j29[ainsley top] for the weighbridge.Things may have changed now but that was my experance 15yrs ago.
regards dave.

Probley on their telephones. see drivers every day on them. Wandering all over the road.

Maybe they were speeding through the road works.

Just another example of the abysmal LGV driver standards in this country.

If the driver is on the phone they’ll pull them onto the hard shoulder, But if the driver is doing everything right, then he would be a complete fool to pull over for an unmarked car.

Rob K:
Just another example of the abysmal LGV driver standards in this country.

The Albion force is strong with this one!!!

It seems plod have got plain white Scania and then they radio the cars to pull you up.

I did read a thread on here somewhere within the last two weeks about West Yorkshire police clamping right down on truckers since the minibus/truck accident near Pontefract!

Retro rob:
I did read a thread on here somewhere within the last two weeks about West Yorkshire police clamping right down on truckers since the minibus/truck accident near Pontefract!

Makes sense

Only place I have seen them is between A1 and I think junction 30 the 1 past asda


Rob K:
Just another example of the abysmal LGV driver standards in this country.

Especially in those roadworks. Saw a wagon and drag loaded up with straw sitting 2ft from a car bumper because it wouldn’t go faster than 50MPH. It was actually doing a real 50MPH too.

What a bunch of tossers with nothing better to do with their time, pulling trucks over for no good reason probably, don’t they know that some have work to do…■■? :imp:

Shame they don’t pay any attention to car drivers doing 35/40 and hogging the middle lane, the reason being is that it’s easy to convict a driver holding a mobile phone than it is to get a conviction for what actually is driving without care.

Shame they don’t pay any attention to car drivers doing 35/40 and hogging the middle lane, the reason being is that it’s easy to convict a driver holding a mobile phone than it is to get a conviction for what actually is driving without care.

One is legal, one isn’t…hope that helps…