M62 Accident jct 10&11

Just seen a pic from a mates FB page uploaded 3o mins ago of a white daf xf and the cab is away from the chassis and hanging over the central barrier, air ambulance has landed on motorway between jct 10 & 11.
Hope driver is ok.

Was it from this morning ? Heard it on radio not read or seen anything about it tho

No, this evening, my mate was dropping his van in Enza at Warrington and that’s when he saw it as he came off the 62, also local BBC news at 6.30 said about it just before they went off air.

Found this
manchestereveningnews.co.uk/ … 10-7482654

looks like the anti crossover barrier only just worked then.

Confirmed non-life threatening once the driver was released from cab, once Helimed and fire had left, we got traffic moving in both directions by using the H/S as well.

looks like the anti crossover barrier only just worked then.

A triumph for the new concrete barriers non the less though. Could have been all kinds of disastrous if the wagon has completely made it’s way onto the opposite carriageway at that time.

Some major paint and tyre marks on the barrier when I passed today.