M62 accident 07 - 09 - 12

Anyone stuck in this?

I believe 3 trucks had a bump earlier this afternoon, 1 driver airlifted to hospital - hope it’s ok

I think these roadworks aren’t helping down there, been saying there’s going to be an accident down there for a while.

I wasn’t caught up in any of the tailbacks, but so many people including myself have said this section of roadworks is highly dangerous, width of lanes 1 & 2 are just ridiculous. It seems the authorities are just turning a blind eye to the accidents and deaths that have happened on this stretch of the M62 since the roadworks went in.

So glad I seldomly use this stretch of the m62

Without being controversial,

Just checking three trucks run into the back of one another & it’s someone else’s fault not the drivers in truck 2 & 3 for tailgating & not leaving a gap,

I was going to post earlier, I took a screenshot off the Ha cameras on the BBC travel site it was like a ‘typical’ truck convoy even more so when the wreckers turned up on screen to shift them.

Hope the drivers are ok (& can we say I hope they had seatbelts on or is that too controversial as well).

Yup, i got caught in that, 1 drop in Chorley then 1 in Urmston and return to leeds, i turned off just before Huddersfield and followed the windy back roads and they were all gridlocked aswell. You can set your watch for the friday afternoon rush hour M62 smash or smashes every week , seconded on the narrow roadwork lanes, with the “pull your mirrors in am coming through” mentality.

I got held up in it going eastbound when they closed it for the air ambulance…
Didnt look good :frowning:

Yeah I fell foul of that lot, loaded in Bradford and left there at 2.30, got to gate 27 via the A650 dropped onto motorway east bound only to get a phone call telling me to go back coz the guy has loaded the wrong stuff :unamused: . Could see that it was solid west boound on the 62 so come off at 28 and headed back via morley, that was choked up too :unamused: . I’d done 35 mins driving when I got the call to go back, it took me 1hr 10 mins to get back, a grand total of 31 k’s for 1hr 45mins driving. Hence why I’m parked in Bradford tonight, good news is that its got me out of a Nottingham tommorow :wink:
back to Peterborough and straight home :sunglasses:

Hope all involved come through ok in the end :wink:

With respect to the previous post who suggested the problem/danger is caused by the narrow lanes, I’m afraid I disagree. The danger is caused by speeding and tailgating. I’m not at all surprised the accident yesterday was caused by three HGVs. I wondered how long it would be before it happened again (an HGV was involved in the fatal accident on this stretch the other month).
I was delayed for over an hour in this chaos and I’d like to send out a special thank you to all the numpties (cars and trucks) who thought it’d be a good idea to try and take a short cut through the Ainley Top services which just resulted in another giant queue while they tried to push back onto the motorway.
These roadworks only last for about 16 miles. Just slow, back off down and let’s all get through them safely.

Anyone stuck in this?

I believe 3 trucks had a bump earlier this afternoon, 1 driver airlifted to hospital - hope it’s ok

I think these roadworks aren’t helping down there, been saying there’s going to be an accident down there for a while.

I got stuck in it :frowning: got told by them in hartshead moor services that someone chucked something off a bridge

It wasn’t in the road works it was half way up ainley top

Full story. Happened after roadworks.
Yet again people filming and taking pics as passing.

m.examiner.co.uk/ms/p/tmg/huddex … Local_News

Obviously the HGVs following were too close.

if car drivers (and some truck drivers) learned about lane discipline then that may help things but that will never happen so we will just have too continue with the free for all driving styles in m62 roadworks till they end

btw i went through them on wedensday morning and the amount of car drivers on the phone, shaving, putting make up on, and 1 reading the paper then it’s no wonder there is accidents and i only seen that when i was stuck in stop go traffic

if car drivers (and some truck drivers) learned about lane discipline then that may help things but that will never happen so we will just have too continue with the free for all driving styles in m62 roadworks till they end

btw i went through them on wedensday morning and the amount of truck drivers on the phone, shaving and putting makeup on :open_mouth: , and 1 reading the paper then it’s no wonder there is accidents and i only seen that when i was stuck in stop go traffic

EFA :smiling_imp:


if car drivers (and some truck drivers) learned about lane discipline then that may help things but that will never happen so we will just have too continue with the free for all driving styles in m62 roadworks till they end

btw i went through them on wedensday morning and the amount of truck drivers and car drivers on the phone, shaving and putting makeup on :open_mouth: , and 1 reading the paper then it’s no wonder there is accidents and i only seen that when i was stuck in stop go traffic

EFA :smiling_imp:

edited that for you aswell

I think one major issue with these set of roadworks is where they end.
Came across there several times this week and the amount of cars that slow right down (ie 40ish mph) before the last camera is ridiculous especially when at/near full weight as it just stops any momentum.

As I wasnt there then I wont pass judgement on how or why it happened. Just hope all drivers are ok

I think one major issue with these set of roadworks is where they end.
Came across there several times this week and the amount of cars that slow right down (ie 40ish mph) before the last camera is ridiculous especially when at/near full weight as it just stops any momentum.

As I wasnt there then I wont pass judgement on how or why it happened. Just hope all drivers are ok

I know what you mean, and they put a camera just before the national speed limit sign… But it’s not about money, it’s about safety ok? :unamused:

Our depot is right in the middle of these roadworks, and it’s frustrating with the numpties that slow down to 40 for every camera, there’s barely room for a ■■■ paper between the mirrors of trucks passing each other, then there’s the numpties that don’t realise the roadworks have ended, the numpties coming onto the M62 that try and beat you even though you’ve got your left flasher on to come off (J29-28), then there’s the easily distracted crowd shaving texting reading doing anything BUT concentrating on driving, and then there’s the non-truck drivers doing all the above too.