M6 Stafford Southbound Closure last night

It turns out some saddo was threatening to jump from a footbridge onto the Southbound carriageway of the M6 near Stafford yesterday evening, so from all of us stuck in the queue going nowhere fast we say “thanks a bunch you t*t, next time swallow a load of tablets”
I am reminded of the classic line from Derek and Clive “jump! You [zb] jump!”

It’s a horrible place to be, to not want to go on any longer, just a dark hole with no way out… Yep, that’s Stafford for you.

It’s a horrible place to be, to not want to go on any longer, just a dark hole with no way out… Yep, that’s Stafford for you.

nice hospital they have there as well i hear :frowning:


It’s a horrible place to be, to not want to go on any longer, just a dark hole with no way out… Yep, that’s Stafford for you.

nice hospital they have there as well i hear :frowning:

Yep, why threaten to jump off a bridge & hold up thousands of people, should have just booked into Stafford Hospital, they would have done the job for him :smiling_imp:

I was driving a Push Out Trailer (empty) & I went under a bridge on the A5 in MK years back & some Numpty was on the wrong side of the fence, looked like he was going to jump, checked my mirrors & couldn’t see him, so I pulled over & raised the back door expecting to see a pile of Blood & Gore & to my relief- it was empty :unamused: (don’t know what happened to Mr Numpty on the bridge though ! probably jumped under a train, we get a few of those too :confused: )

so thats why i was stuck in warrington waiting for my trailer to arrive from birmingham :imp:

so thats why i was stuck in warrington waiting for my trailer to arrive from birmingham :imp:

Southbound bridge ?
He must come an odd route !

Both sides get held up any time there is some kind of street show on the motorway

3 wheeler:

so thats why i was stuck in warrington waiting for my trailer to arrive from birmingham :imp:

Southbound bridge ?
He must come an odd route !

Yea, but don’t forget. If a Rabbit gets run over on the southbound hard shoulder, they have to close all three southbound lanes, all three northbound lanes & all A roads within a 25 mile radious. So they can carry out their ‘Investigations’ :unamused:

I’m so pleased to part of such a caring sharing society of sheep and lemmings.

I’m so pleased to be part of a society that allows one person’s actions to affect the lives of thousands of others in a negative manner.

It’s a horrible place to be, to not want to go on any longer, just a dark hole with no way out… Yep, that’s Stafford for you.

class :laughing:

I’m so pleased to be part of a society that allows one person’s actions to affect the lives of thousands of others in a negative manner.

Negative ?

Don’t know about you but I scored 20 odd quids worth of over time out of his misery :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Terry T:

I’m so pleased to be part of a society that allows one person’s actions to affect the lives of thousands of others in a negative manner.

Negative ?

Don’t know about you but I scored 20 odd quids worth of over time out of his misery :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Ooooh! You capitalist monster! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yep, I’ll have a drink on him tonight :grimacing:

What lovely people you are. You all get so wound up by the odd delay. Chill out. Your life could be so much worse, as this poor souls is. I’ve been to some dark places in my life and trust me, the odd delay is sod all.

Actually reminds me of the reason I no longer have a CB. Was stuck in traffic about 10 years ago, had CB on, we had been sat about an hour and two truck drivers were talking, one said to the other ‘someone had better have ■■■■■■ died in that accident’. Turned the CB off. Took it out and never used one again. But now it seems being a glutton for punishment I come on the internet to hear the same crap.

What lovely people you are. You all get so wound up by the odd delay. Chill out. Your life could be so much worse, as this poor souls is. I’ve been to some dark places in my life and trust me, the odd delay is sod all.

Actually reminds me of the reason I no longer have a CB. Was stuck in traffic about 10 years ago, had CB on, we had been sat about an hour and two truck drivers were talking, one said to the other ‘someone had better have [zb] died in that accident’. Turned the CB off. Took it out and never used one again. But now it seems being a glutton for punishment I come on the internet to hear the same crap.

So what do you want, a paper hat?

I’ve no idea what you’re trying to say but thanks for taking the time.


Blimey, is it cryptic post day on Trucknet or something?

Seriously? You’ve never heard that expression? It means ‘so what, get on with your life’. Like “what do you want a Blue Peter badge?”.