M6 last night J13-J12

What was going on here last night. I went past northbound at about 9pm and the southbound side was closed even though I couldn’t see any wreckage. Then when I was running back to base at about midnight the hard shoulder was littered with trucks. Must have been 25-30 between 14 and 13.

Are drivers so worried about getting infringements that they’ll have breaks on a bloody motorway just to avoid it. The regs clearly state in emergency situations you can drive to the nearest SAFE stopping place. Not just foreigners either, saw at least 3 Royal Mail and 1 Fast Eddie in amongst them.

Another accident involving a pedestrian

Edit to add, gotta feel for the driver/s involved tinyurl.com/kf8tey3

Terry T:
Are drivers so worried about getting infringements that they’ll have breaks on a bloody motorway just to avoid it.


at some places, if you get a certain number of infringements, you get a “disciplinary”. (irrespective of what the law says)

In extreme circumstances the police will lax the rules but it is in the extreme. Anyone remember when the M11 was closed about a yeat ago and had to be resurfaced. There was around 30+ trucks parked on the H/S overnight with a reduced speed limit in place.

There was a fatality so a full closure was in place. The southbound traffic was backed up past jct 14, all trying to get down one slip road and onto a single carriageway, I was lucky, I got off and diverted but it still took an hour to do a normal 15 minute drive, but I know one of our guys was in the queue for a couple of hours.

Could be that the only alternative routes have low bridges or weight limits. The old A11 north of Stansted is now a B-road, are trucks even allowed on it?