M6 down or A50 and across?

Have done both countless times.

Recently the M6 Brum (narrow) roadworks have raised this normally difficult to irk trucker (me) to the hump.

I’m fed up with it.

The mind numbing A50 through Stoke and beyond is marginally preferable.

Does anybody else concur that both roads are similarly tedious?

A500 junction 16 every time

If I’m heading for the anywhere down the M1 or coming up from the south then it’s the A50 every time, the difference in time is marginal at best but now because of the roadworks it’s easily the better way to go.

A50 is not a bad road, just keep your fingers crossed that nothing has overturned on THE roundabout & the tunnels are open :confused:

A50 every time, far more reliable… Do find it a pain when heavy though.

There is also


less than a mile longer again if heavy can be slow

where as A50 M1 is 5 miles longer.

A50 for me

Don’t they close the M6 after dark?? :unamused: :unamused:

ADR 1:
A50 is not a bad road, just keep your fingers crossed that nothing has overturned on THE roundabout & the tunnels are open :confused:

You must mean Lottery island, because there are plenty of rollovers there. lol

A50 every time good to miss brum at any time !

A50 for me :smiley:

A50 everytime for me too

A50 everytime for me too

Fair do’s.

Incidentally, watched a couple of yer YouTube vids using TiVo on the big telly the other day.

Enjoyed your “multi drop” televisual offering. Splendid viewing.

I always use the M6. Even when 7-6 were shut, I found the diversion quicker than any other alternatives.

Controversial, I guess, but true

If I’m going beyond the M6 to the M1 or A14 then it’s A50 everytime for me, nicer drive too :sunglasses:

Main reason I use it is its just more predictable. You can work out times with confidence.

Lottery Island? Is that Blythe Bridge?

Lottery Island? Is that Blythe Bridge?

Yes it is :frowning: goo.gl/maps/0zxgt

Cheers mate. Yes know it well

A50 for me although depending on time of day with Brum, if using a50 I always go down to j15 don’t no why just preferred !!

Subject to there being no adverse reports by Sally (traffic), the A50 is my choice.

I do find it a nicer drive, not sure if its because you are closer to the countryside or if its because you have less going on with 2 lanes rather than three. Whatever the reason I find the A50 a much nicer route.