M6 Accident between 3a and Corley Services

I was northbound, saw the wreckage of a Stobart Truck lying on its side, cab looked badly damaged! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Hope the driver is ok :question: :question:

Yeha i went past about 1pm something like that anyway, they were just getting the airbags under it.

I was expecting the usuall rubber neckers, but the sodding traffic n/bound was really bad up by the roadworks :frowning:

The way the rig was on its side it must have done some nasty turns before it went over. Definatly a brown trouser moment there!! Hope the driv’s ok though, i didnt see anyone else involved? I was too busy seeing where the stooopid pillock in front in an X5 was going :unamused:

heard about this on another site.

Anyone know if the Stobbies driver is O.K. :question:

I can remember a time,not so long ago,when nobody would have asked that about a Stobby driver…

I can remember a time,not so long ago,when nobody would have asked that about a Stobby driver…

would’ve always asked about the drivers welfare, its not the driver who’s in charge of company policy


I can remember a time,not so long ago,when nobody would have asked that about a Stobby driver…

would’ve always asked about the drivers welfare, its not the driver who’s in charge of company policy

Thank you biggus my thoughts entirely :imp:

heard about this on another site.

Anyone know if the Stobbies driver is O.K. :question:

The driver is OK, but in hospital with an injured arm. Not sure if broken but the main thing is that he’s still alive.


heard about this on another site.

Anyone know if the Stobbies driver is O.K. :question:

The driver is OK, but in hospital with an injured arm. Not sure if broken but the main thing is that he’s still alive.

Thanks, good news :smiley: