M56 J12 Jacknife

Hope the tipper driver’s ok, came past it about an hour ago & he’s lost it on the slip road west bound. It’s gone over on its side with the cab facing the sky, they’re gonna have fun recovering that one.

Couldn’t possibly have been going too fast (could he ? Mmmmmm)

Oops, double post.

Going to take some shifting?


Funny looking “tipper”

bet that took him a minute or two too work out where he was and what way up when that came to a standstill.

You can see the ■■■ seeping outta the door!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Them 3 fire guys thinking “This is a disaster, spilled his coffee…” :slight_smile:
On a serious note, hope he’s ok tho…

Hope the tipper driver’s ok, came past it about an hour ago & he’s lost it on the slip road west bound. It’s gone over on its side with the cab facing the sky, they’re gonna have fun recovering that one.

Couldn’t possibly have been going too fast (could he ? Mmmmmm)

Tipper Mmmmmmm
Maybe a visit to Specsavers in the new year :wink:

Going to take some shifting?

WTF,thats a bad un :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Good to see he cleans his cab roof though :slight_smile:

tango boy:

Hope the tipper driver’s ok, came past it about an hour ago & he’s lost it on the slip road west bound. It’s gone over on its side with the cab facing the sky, they’re gonna have fun recovering that one.

Couldn’t possibly have been going too fast (could he ? Mmmmmm)

Tipper Mmmmmmm
Maybe a visit to Specsavers in the new year :wink:

It was a quick glimpse as I passed, looked like a tipper from where I was.
It looked like Tipper Driver Mentality, seeing how quickly he/she could get round the bend.

It looked like Tipper Driver Mentality, seeing how quickly he/she could get round the bend.

:unamused: :unamused:

It looked like Tipper Driver Mentality, seeing how quickly he/she could get round the bend.

In fact it turns out it’s non tipper driver mentality; blame the tipper driver for everything!! :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: