Hope the tipper driver’s ok, came past it about an hour ago & he’s lost it on the slip road west bound. It’s gone over on its side with the cab facing the sky, they’re gonna have fun recovering that one.
Couldn’t possibly have been going too fast (could he ? Mmmmmm)
Hope the tipper driver’s ok, came past it about an hour ago & he’s lost it on the slip road west bound. It’s gone over on its side with the cab facing the sky, they’re gonna have fun recovering that one.
Couldn’t possibly have been going too fast (could he ? Mmmmmm)
Tipper Mmmmmmm
Maybe a visit to Specsavers in the new year
Hope the tipper driver’s ok, came past it about an hour ago & he’s lost it on the slip road west bound. It’s gone over on its side with the cab facing the sky, they’re gonna have fun recovering that one.
Couldn’t possibly have been going too fast (could he ? Mmmmmm)
Tipper Mmmmmmm
Maybe a visit to Specsavers in the new year
It was a quick glimpse as I passed, looked like a tipper from where I was.
It looked like Tipper Driver Mentality, seeing how quickly he/she could get round the bend.