M53 closed J10/8 both directions today because of

Lamp columns, matrix signals & SOS boxes all had to be removed to allow this to trundle up the M53 today.

wide load2.jpg

wide load1.jpg

We"ve had bigger than that in here driver !! :stuck_out_tongue:

Any idea what it is?

Any idea what it is?

■■■■■■■ big!! :laughing:

That’s an old photo- :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: and different piece to the one going into Stanlow today. Got one of what was moved today by Mammoet :question:

It was on the dock side at Ellesmere for quite a bit. I watched them unloading the wheels that were going to be moving it on Friday. Apparently the thing is used to separate crude oil, well that’s what I was told. And it looked nothing like those pictures.

That’s an old photo- :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: and different piece to the one going into Stanlow today. Got one of what was moved today by Mammoet :question:

This is what was moved today. Pictures by Rachel Gallagher; Cheshire Police

Any idea what it is?

It’s a Thingy Thing. Eddie.

Thank ian58, goes to show that things ain’t what they say!


Any idea what it is?

It’s a Thingy Thing. Eddie.

Ahhhh. I wondered if it was one of those. :smiley:

so, does that bit go on top of the thingummy jig ■■
or beside the watcha ma call it ■■

Interesting facts and another picture; again from Rachel Gallagher; Cheshire Police :-

703,904 kgs
14m high
It’s part of the Regen Cyclone Replacement Project at Stanlow
5 Ab load police officers with approx 30/40 from other agencies
Nearly two years in planning the move
2.2 miles in 3 hrs 50 mins
Over the last few months trees have all been cut back, lamp standards removed and a Bailey bridge built to facilitate this load


Any idea what it is?

It’s a Thingy Thing. Eddie.

Hiya its the top of the Cracker plant in Stanlow.i think it cost £1.4 million to transport it from Italy.
it’ll be going for the block one shut down in september/october. i’am on the shutdow.
you want to se where it fits, right on top of the plant. it takes about 9 days to build the crane that lifts
it into place…

bloody glad it wasnt in there thursday and friday when i was faffing around demin/gas and distillation :smiley:

so, does that bit go on top of the thingummy jig ■■
or beside the watcha ma call it ■■

It’s fitting the pobble flange to the grengish pin that takes the time…