M4 smart motorway completed and.open

Following weekend.closures.the m 4 smartmotoway is now completed and.open.
So we can all now look forward to quicker journey times now with the additional lanes.

However sections of.it more towards the m25 end will be limited to 60 mph to help improve air quality in the area

Following weekend.closures.the m 4 smartmotoway is now completed and.open.
So we can all now look forward to quicker journey times now with the additional lanes.

However sections of.it more towards the m25 end will be limited to 60 mph to help improve air quality in the area

That’s perfect because when We’re all driving electric they will increase the speed limit to 120

More overtaking lanes to facilitate overtaking but variable speed limits to facilitate lower speeds.Which means lane hogging if you use the extra lanes without being able to overtake.