M26 m25 roadworks

hi has anyone else noticed how bad the roadworks are where they are redoing the barriers along jun5 m25 clacketts, the layout seems incredibly bad. and not much seems to be getting done. every day there seems to be an accident happening, only yesterday a truck went down the enbankment.
but ive also noticed the amount if vehicles that are swerving to avoid the pothloles and also where they have covered the drains up. ive found it easier to go top side to get to the m40 m4. there may be roadworks there but have never really been held up there unlike the bottom of m25

That stretch has always been bad. Daily accidents are nothing new and not much goes on at roadworks nationwide. It’s not an isolated problem

I use this stretch quite alot, and the roadworks are making it a nightmare at the moment, the usual holdups are the foreigners changing lanes and taking out a car or breakdowns, only now there isn’t a hardshoulder for them to pull over.

Speaking of the hardshoulder which is now lane one, they could’ve done a better job of covering the drain covers, you really have to hold onto the steering wheel at times because if you hit a bump it’s trying to pull you off the road.

Is it just me or are the lanes narrow? I have noticed this at jct 6/8 M6 and top/bottom M25. I am tending to straddle outside lane when passing - when gaps allow!

The hard shoulder stretch is very narrow with a rough surface. And the slip on the southbound M25 where it splits from the A21 should have a 30mph speed limit. I’m surprised no one has gone through the barrier and plummeted off the edge.

The hard shoulder stretch is very narrow with a rough surface. And the slip on the southbound M25 where it splits from the A21 should have a 30mph speed limit. I’m surprised no one has gone through the barrier and plummeted off the edge.

Yeah, I make you right there fella - adverse camber too!