M25 Cobham Svcs

Anybody in there Sunday night/Monday morning (possibly between 00:00 & 02:00) and see one of our artics ‘parked somewhere it shouldn’t have been’? Apparently he nearly made it through the roundabout over those big kerbs! Details are sketchy to say the least and rumours abound!

How do they make it over those big kerbs?

It always amazes me.

Similar to the ‘driver’ who took that huge great big rock for a ride at Tibshelf nbound all those years ago. Must have dragged it over 15 yards or so.

Well…seems like he’s hit it at a fair rate, unit is completely knackered, trailer legs are bent and rumour has it, so is the under run on trailer! One of the drivers went to fetch the trailer ( it’s all being held at a ‘compound’ in Hayes) the other day and was told he could take the goods on board but ‘it was all staying put for a couple of weeks’! Considering how busy Cobham gets id’ve thought there would’ve been some mention of it on at least one form of social media but everything’s turned a blank…it would’ve been there a while as it was obviously recovered and thought it might’ve at least got a mention (before me!) on here under the ‘Well Boss, it was like this…’ heading!

Cobham gets very busy, and it may well have made it onto social media, just probably not in the English language.

Bloody place is rammed with those that eat swans and pike, whilst wearing those rubbery shoes that only attach between their toes.

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I was going anti clockwise about 2am and the entrance to cobham was closed off, then i seen all the blue lights down in the services, all i could see is a trashed bidvest artic with loads of emergency vehicles around it. Came back clockwise later on about 5am and the artic had gone the area where it was coned off and a copper there taking photos, the anticlockwise entrance was still shut but the clockwise was open.

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That’ll be the culprit Bubs! Did he clear the doughnut?

@yourhavingalarf…hit it hard & fast enough and most things will move! Question is, is it normal to impound something for what I guess could be just an accident or would there be ‘an underlying issue with truck or driver’?

The Bidvest motor? Was quite impressed with how far they had managed to get through the roundabout!

Was there last night, didn’t see any damage.

The Bidvest motor? Was quite impressed with how far they had managed to get through the roundabout!

That’s him! That’s one of the Mercs off the road for a while!

The kerbed lane layout has altered at Cobham Services fairly recently… Let’s consider what a driver who hasn’t been there for over a year might have done when turning up there in the middle of the night, knackered, hot & bothered, and on Auto-Pilot from their last trip there to boot…


Gedddup that Kerb!

(Was there 18:30-19:15 sunday evening - didn’t see anything at that time)

The kerbed lane layout has altered at Cobham Services fairly recently… Let’s consider what a driver who hasn’t been there for over a year might have done when turning up there in the middle of the night, knackered, hot & bothered, and on Auto-Pilot from their last trip there to boot…


Gedddup that Kerb!

(Was there 18:30-19:15 sunday evening - didn’t see anything at that time)

TIP - I don’ t bother with the actual “truck” part of the park. I pull straight around into the (former coach) part that is open for truckers after 18:00… I’ll nose in with only a handful of other trucks upto the big where the car charging stand is, and hey presto - I’ve even got access to those washing machines that look like they’ll take a double bed in the drum!
No one stops for you at the zebra crossing though - but I’ll put that down to the general public just hating everyone automatically that is walking to or from the direction where the Trucks are at. :unamused:

Question is, is it normal to impound something for what I guess could be just an accident or would there be ‘an underlying issue with truck or driver’?

The collision investigation wallah would probably have wanted a peek to check brakes and steering etc. They are normally pretty quick though, can’t imagine them being any later than dinnertime the next day.

Another option is that whoever recovered it is hanging on to it until payment is forthcoming. What are your lot like for settling up?

Going back last year , i was parked up there ,i heard a engine reving like hell :unamused: :unamused: ,it was a old granny in audi A2 in the truck park in a kerfuffle!!

who decides to drive between the bins on the pavement to exit the truck park :unamused: :unamused:

Made me laugh :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

A eastern European managed to put it over in Cobham not long ago think not was a sunday

@pwyll… Normally pretty good…we are ‘self insured’ kinda thing meaning we instantly pay out on the 1st 10k (iirc) but as the units are leased now, that might be a bit different but in other situations, things are normally recovered direct to our yard and sorted from there. I have heard via another driver (in Zakynthos atm) that agency cabbage has had an operation on his spine. As I’ve said, he’s regular at ours and the supermarket chain in Bracknell and has done a fair bit of Euro work but after the conversation we were having with prior to the 3 of us setting off on our own travels, 2 of us smell a rat!

Quick update…it seems it has been released (or maybe not!) as word has reached me whilst lounging in the sunshine that unit is/will be heading North of the Border for repairs and trailer will bo done locally…don’t think I’d feel to happy about driving it again! Anyway, few pics for you.