M180 Accident - 31/03/08

My thoughts to the person family who lost a loved one today.

news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/sout … 322610.stm

"One person has died and four others suffered injuries in a multi-vehicle crash on a motorway between northern Lincolnshire and South Yorkshire.

Two heavy goods vehicles, two cars and a van were in collision on the M180 motorway in South Yorkshire during Monday morning’s rush hour. "

Happened about 09:30 this morning while I was in wigan, coming back on the M62 and saw all of the overheads poppping up that the M180 close, then sally traffic started :frowning: what total traffic jam with alot of waggons going off J6 on the M18 and using the Thorne route that is a 7.5 ton limit :unamused: with a 14-6 bridge… hummm

Scunny roads gridlocked… a very bad day.

Anyone know what happend at the scene?

Thanks for the info, hubby phoned to tell me about it, but he did not have the details.

More info after listening to the radio or other sources.

Accident happened on the west bound side. They closed the east bound as well for the services to park up (very bad as they couldn’t get to the accident) also Air Support was called in land on the motorway as well to whisk off the people to local hospitals.

Did wonder why the A161 had may a truck on it today its normaly just me!

Sad indeed.

I was among the first mile of trucks on the Eastbound and watched the air ambulance land. not a good sight when we eventually moved past the accident
