M11 overtaking ban-complaint

This isn’t a thread to discuss the pros and cons of truck overtaking bans in the UK, that’s been done before elsewhere. Instead, this is to give people who do object an opportunity to do so. When the ‘trial’ on the A14 started I tried to complain, and was just fobbed off by someone from the HA. As far as I was concerned it was a whitewash with no way of the road users it affects being able to complain. The latest ‘trial’ to appear on the M11 at junction 9, in my opinion is a waste of time, and as far as the southbound carriageway is concerned is ■■■■ dangerous, being next to a slip road with traffic joining at maximum speed. On Friday afternoon and evening I did two trips up the M11, and both times the traffic in the overtaking ban area was not helped by the ban, instead lane 2 had a queue of stationary cars, whilst lane 1 had a slow moving line of trucks. On a return trip southbound I was caught out in lane 2 as I approached the ban, overtaking another truck who was trying to keep momentum for the hill. Up ahead were two slow trucks starting the hill, behind me, and I mean right behind me were several cars jostling for position to overtake me, and trying to join lane 1 from the slip were cars at various speeds, although most were trying to go as fast as possible and were desperate to get out into lane 2 as usual. I was forced just as the ban starts to jump in between the poor bloke I had just overtaken and the slow truck ahead, making me brake and consequently the driver behind me, and him and so on and so on. Had I been able to overtake I could have cleared the two slow trucks and pulled back in in around 30 seconds, not long but obviously a lifetime for these poor car drivers the ban is designed to help. Personally I am sick of these bans/’trials’ appearing, and in my opinion the HA have no idea how traffic flows operate with various vehicles, just look at the ridiculous 50mph limit recently enforced on the start of the M3 from the M25, it’s a motorway! Now cars trucks and buses all baulk together for a few miles instead of doing their own thing at their own speed. If anyone wants me to post the mails I sent to the HA before they told me how I can complain officially I will post them, and their reply. In the meantime, if anyone does want to complain (please keep it sensible and clean) they can to: Jim Godsmark, Assistant Route Performance Manager, at the Highways Agency, Woodlands, Manton Lane, Bedford, MK41 7LW. He can also be contacted by telephone on 01234 796020 or by email at, jim.godsmark@highways.gsi.gov.uk. We only have until 12th October to raise concerns, and as the HA wrote ‘We will ensure that any objections are addressed and further consideration of the impact of the trial will be given before reaching a decision as to whether the HGV Overtaking Restriction can be made permanent’.

Now is a chance to get your voices heard. If I am on my own with this so be it, as I said this is a personal interest of mine, but something I am seething about.

I totally understand where you are coming from and agree with your points entirely, but the chances of getting this crap changed around are as likely as newcastle winning the premiership next year. But good luck :slight_smile:

thanks, I won’t know until I try, and if I do nothing cannot complain, so will give it a go.

Wonder if this guy deals with the A34 as well. I came along there empty the other day, was doing 50 MPH easily up the hill,but was forced to slow down to below 30 MPH behind a fully loaded wagon. supposing some idiot behind me was watching a DVD while driving (see other thread), or a car driver just wasn’t concentrating, would be a nice mess! There WILL be an accident on this piece of road.

I have recently been in contact with HA at Bedford regarding the 24hour closures of lay-bys on A14/A11and the lack of parking to take compulsory breaks.

Their response was that if the contractors felt it neccesary to close them, even when they were not actually working, then so be it.

The impression I got was that HA are not really interested in the needs of lorry drivers. Doesn’t really surprise me.

I think these bans are more a political than practical. The HA say that the journey time trial reduced journey times
And it is true, but what they’ve been very quiet about is the time saved.

From searching the internet I found out the average reduction in journey time on the A14 was
6-22 seconds.

This isn’t a thread to discuss the pros and cons of truck overtaking bans in the UK, that’s been done before elsewhere. Instead, this is to give people who do object an opportunity to do so. When the ‘trial’ on the A14 started I tried to complain, and was just fobbed off by someone from the HA. As far as I was concerned it was a whitewash with no way of the road users it affects being able to complain. The latest ‘trial’ to appear on the M11 at junction 9, in my opinion is a waste of time, and as far as the southbound carriageway is concerned is ■■■■ dangerous, being next to a slip road with traffic joining at maximum speed. On Friday afternoon and evening I did two trips up the M11, and both times the traffic in the overtaking ban area was not helped by the ban, instead lane 2 had a queue of stationary cars, whilst lane 1 had a slow moving line of trucks. On a return trip southbound I was caught out in lane 2 as I approached the ban, overtaking another truck who was trying to keep momentum for the hill. Up ahead were two slow trucks starting the hill, behind me, and I mean right behind me were several cars jostling for position to overtake me, and trying to join lane 1 from the slip were cars at various speeds, although most were trying to go as fast as possible and were desperate to get out into lane 2 as usual. I was forced just as the ban starts to jump in between the poor bloke I had just overtaken and the slow truck ahead, making me brake and consequently the driver behind me, and him and so on and so on. Had I been able to overtake I could have cleared the two slow trucks and pulled back in in around 30 seconds, not long but obviously a lifetime for these poor car drivers the ban is designed to help. Personally I am sick of these bans/’trials’ appearing, and in my opinion the HA have no idea how traffic flows operate with various vehicles, just look at the ridiculous 50mph limit recently enforced on the start of the M3 from the M25, it’s a motorway! Now cars trucks and buses all baulk together for a few miles instead of doing their own thing at their own speed. If anyone wants me to post the mails I sent to the HA before they told me how I can complain officially I will post them, and their reply. In the meantime, if anyone does want to complain (please keep it sensible and clean) they can to: Jim Godsmark, Assistant Route Performance Manager, at the Highways Agency, Woodlands, Manton Lane, Bedford, MK41 7LW. He can also be contacted by telephone on 01234 796020 or by email at, jim.godsmark@highways.gsi.gov.uk. We only have until 12th October to raise concerns, and as the HA wrote ‘We will ensure that any objections are addressed and further consideration of the impact of the trial will be given before reaching a decision as to whether the HGV Overtaking Restriction can be made permanent’.

Now is a chance to get your voices heard. If I am on my own with this so be it, as I said this is a personal interest of mine, but something I am seething about.

You’re wasting your breath, time, ink and keyboard.

None of these overtaking bans are needed, anywhere. The only problem is the mindset of drivers. If the majority of truckers drove with some common sense and courtesy for their colleagues instead of driving foot-to-the-floor everywhere coupled with a ‘[zb] you all’ attitude then the traffic would flow just fine and none of those overtaking bans would be springing up. Stop blaming the HA, just look in the mirror to see where the blame lay. :bulb:

50% of the posts on these forums are arguments over who should back off when being overtaken vs. shouldn’t be overtaking if you can’t make it in x time/distance. Need I say anymore… :bulb:

You’re wasting your breath, time, ink and keyboard.

None of these overtaking bans are needed, anywhere. The only problem is the mindset of drivers. If the majority of truckers drove with some common sense and courtesy for their colleagues instead of driving foot-to-the-floor everywhere coupled with a ‘[zb] you all’ attitude then the traffic would flow just fine and none of those overtaking bans would be springing up. Stop blaming the HA, just look in the mirror to see where the blame lay. :bulb:

50% of the posts on these forums are arguments over who should back off when being overtaken vs. shouldn’t be overtaking if you can’t make it in x time/distance. Need I say anymore… :bulb:
This sums it up quite nicely. Furthermore as I recall the reason Tachographs were invented was because drivers could not be trusted to record events accurately. (I recall a driver in Kingston Surrey telling me he was on a ‘dodgy night out’ and should be on his way to Plymouth. This was in 1969 so things don’t change much). The same applies to speed limiters, all diesel engines were fitted with ‘govenors’ but some drivers chose to interefere with the settings to go that little bit faster.

As has been said before, drivers are their own worst enemy, by rushing about like lunatics just to enable their bosses to earn more money. On the one hand they will condemn a driver that goes over his/her hours but conclude that speeding is acceptable. The points that these two actions have in common are, they give an unfair advantage to those that comply with the rules, they can be contributory factors to accidents.

Until drivers wake up to the fact that our destiny is in our own hands there will be more and more restrictions imposed upon us.

No doubt this post will get the back up of those who disagree with me but as far as I am concerned it is the way things are. Reading some of the posts one might think that they were wind-ups until you witness these drivers on the road.

This sums it up quite nicely. Furthermore as I recall the reason Tachographs were invented was because drivers could not be trusted to record events accurately. (I recall a driver in Kingston Surrey telling me he was on a ‘dodgy night out’ and should be on his way to Plymouth. This was in 1969 so things don’t change much). The same applies to speed limiters, all diesel engines were fitted with ‘govenors’ but some drivers chose to interefere with the settings to go that little bit faster.

As has been said before, drivers are their own worst enemy, by rushing about like lunatics just to enable their bosses to earn more money. On the one hand they will condemn a driver that goes over his/her hours but conclude that speeding is acceptable. The points that these two actions have in common are, they give an unfair advantage to those that comply with the rules, they can be contributory factors to accidents.

Until drivers wake up to the fact that our destiny is in our own hands there will be more and more restrictions imposed upon us.

No doubt this post will get the back up of those who disagree with me but as far as I am concerned it is the way things are. Reading some of the posts one might think that they were wind-ups until you witness these drivers on the road.

I agree with you waddy. Pity that so few people seem to grasp it and spend all their time pointing their fingers elsewhere…

Until drivers wake up to the fact that our destiny is in our own hands there will be more and more restrictions imposed upon us.

I agree with this bit… ^^

the ban dont work 7 and a half tonners can only do 56 so they still get blocked by them doing 56 the whole things ajoke :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The answer to this problem is simple.

Stop messing about and make all these sections 3 lane, only a non driver can dream up of a scheme of this kind, whos time are they saving exactly ? do only car drivers count ? the fact we are delivering essentail items for these ■■■■■■■ doesnt get taken into account…aslong as the salesman or the family can get home 22 seconds quicker then sod the truckers that are having to jam up behind a very slow moving truck, that in itself is a major problem as we all know.

With increased traffic volumes they are looking at intoducing money saving schemes, when what they should really be doing is looking at changing these roads into Motorways…A14 …A34… just bite the bullet and spend them millions… limiting trucks to 1 lane on a dual carriage way isnt going to solve this problem…more lanes will help

We have good ol limiters to thank for this,all this no overtaking ■■■■■ is gonna spread like in Europe cos it looks good to the voting car driver,probably the local mp was stuck behind an overtakin lorry in his or her prius.
Jus more bad press for us,public enemy number one we are.
Until we all stick together and down tools,■■■■ vosa and their threats and bring the country to a halt then we might aswell jus shut up whingin cos it aint gonna change for the better.
Dont mean to rant but am very passionate and proud to be a lorry(not Truck) driver.

So what other alternatives/suggestions are there to make those stretches of roads safer and journey times more reliable :question: :question:
are there any, if the “Trial” doesnt work or considered not plausible for the future :question:
Constructive critisism is anyones right and fair play to them, but sensible solutions or other methods may too need to be offered /suggested too.
Theres one thing whinging , and theres offering supportive substantive evidence and theres another offering a solution .

As an island, ie: UK , and an ever expanding population and road traffic system and higher vehicle useage , you cant keep on building more roads surely ? - there isnt enough room or cash in pot available is there ?.
Has someone got to manage the road systems we already have, and try to educate safe driving practices maybe ?.
You cant fit a quart in a pint pot.

Europe has been using this type of lane restriction , safety/ incident prevention , hill /lane discipline for years, if youve been there you would know.

Add to that the necessity of a haulier needing to break even or god forbid make a profit, add high fuel charge costs/ wages / running costs/insurance/road tax, etc etc…
add the pressures of tight schedules + timed deliveries and getting as much load/journeys/ collections/deliveries/ as possible to make that cash flow.
(going off subject here , but do you get my drift ? )
Now explain to me how a european haulier can run a truck eg: 2000 kms round trip to UK and back and still make a profit ■■? (another thread maybe ? )

Back to subject,
Could the weight limit lane 2 be reduced from 7.5t to 3.5 t to alleviate this restrictor issue :question:
Do you reduce the road stretch max speed limit for all vehicles to create a steady flow ? and place speed cameras :question:
Other ideas :question:

Someone said the estimated reduction time is between 6 - 22 secs …
Is shortening the 2 secs distance between yourself and the one infront really worth the possible damage and pain infliction of hitting something up the rear end really worth it :question: professionally speaking :question:
As an example ,
next time your parked, lets say , 4 foot from the bumper of the lorry in front of you , take a look and guage just exactly how much forward and peripheral vision you do have in front of you and how much you can see of road ahead … Not a lot is it ■■ then work out from that 4ft and pretend your driving @ 52 mph and add thinking time before reaction time … oooopps, too late…

Man is its own worst enemy ,
one man makes a rule - another finds a way to break it . thats life.

When this ones sorted out , can anyone sort the South bound Queues out on the*" Queen Liz"* bridge + approach please ■■ and thats got lots of lanes and booths.
Answers on a postcard or feel free to post here :smiley:

Europe has been using this type of lane restriction , safety/ incident prevention , hill /lane discipline for years, if youve been there you would know.

myself and the OP both know that, still doesnt make it a safe solution

When this ones sorted out , can anyone sort the South bound Queues out on the*" Queen Liz"* bridge + approach please ■■ and thats got lots of lanes and booths.
Answers on a postcard or feel free to post here :smiley:

simple, remove the booths and toll and increase the other side, problem solved overnight

as the thread said it wasnt to discuss it but to point out if you wish to comment on it instead of preaching to the converted a way to do so