M11, Camera's

Averaging Camera’s have appeared M11 nOrth and South bound between J8 and J9 where the road works are to be for the next twelve weeks, no details of the proposed speed limit were posted, so beware.

saw them sunday afternoon,methinks they will become a future feature.

I came up the M11 last night / this morning(around 2 am ) the road works gangs where in full and the speed signs where 40 MPH, its a long way to go uphill at that speed, especially after nearing the end of a 15 hr day

Make sure you are on 40 mph at the first sign as the specs are only just the other side.
Likewise at the end of the roadworks the last set of specs are just before the national speed limit signs.
No leeway there.

these have also been seen on the M25 and A303 today,with the cops sitting farther down the road in wait for mr no brains to come tearing along on the blower.
as said before be careful

mark croft:
these have also been seen on the M25 and A303 today,with the cops sitting farther down the road in wait for mr no brains to come tearing along on the blower.
as said before be careful

Wherabouts on the 25, Mark?