M1 Southbound Newport Pagnell

Currently long delays M1 Southbound due to an overturned truck at the services. I believe this is possibly a fatal. RIP

Not another one :open_mouth: This year’s been terrible!!! RIP Drive :cry: :cry: :cry:

It seems to be an almost daily occurrence that a truck overturns somewhere in the UK. As I am new to this game, has it always been like this?

SITA waste artic.

Wonder why he was in lane 3.

It seems to be an almost daily occurrence that a truck overturns somewhere in the UK. As I am new to this game, has it always been like this?

No, and some criticise caravaners for doing it!!

Wonder why he was in lane 3.

That was my first thought but there’s nothing to suggest that’s where his crash started.

I believe it was a medical incident which caused the driver to crash :frowning:

I often wonder why there are so many trucks overturning these days it was never like that a few years ago. Well not that I remember anyway.

I often wonder why there are so many trucks overturning these days it was never like that a few years ago. Well not that I remember anyway.

News and social media weren’t so instant like they are today.
Now as soon as something like this happens its instantly sent around the country where as before it would only be driver affected by the crash that knew anything had happened.


I often wonder why there are so many trucks overturning these days it was never like that a few years ago. Well not that I remember anyway.

News and social media weren’t so instant like they are today.
Now as soon as something like this happens its instantly sent around the country where as before it would only be driver affected by the crash that knew anything had happened.

Yes, I guess that’s true, if you didn’t see it happen, you never knew about it.

Just heard it on the local news, the 54 year old Driver died in the accident.

RIP ‘Bruv’.

I believe it was a medical incident which caused the driver to crash :frowning:

that’s the first thing I thought of.

Passed out, drifted to lane 3, hit barrier which sent him off over the fence.

wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

Local paper saying 3 people in the cab with one fatality.
Thank god no one else was involved or badly hurt.

RIP Drive.

RIP Drive

R.I.P. Driver…

:cry: RIP :cry: sad times another one :cry:

Local Rag says that a passenger died & 2 other people suffered minor injuries, when the lorry overturned after hitting the central barrier.

It’s still sad when anyone dies on the road. Condolences to the Family.

I often wonder why there are so many trucks overturning these days it was never like that a few years ago. Well not that I remember anyway.

Occasionally I’ll carry a bit too much speed into a bend and it just doesn’t feel right at all. And I’m still not really anywhere near tipping over. God knows how fast these roundabout rollovers are going or what’s going through their mind as they do it.

And yeah, it does seem more prevalent. I’ve seen 2 in as many months (M6 J7 & M1 J16) and that’s just what I’ve seen. I imagine there’s loads you don’t hear about.

It was the driver that died.
Story here