M1 M6 A14 Junction, Finally!

About time :slight_smile: now just to make the A14 a motorway.

Sssh! - If you did that, you’d have to cut down the junctions to about 20-25 from more than double that at present. :wink:

At last.

I wonder what the cost in blood,snot and carnage was
before they decided to give it another go. :unamused:

Went up M1 north earlier and the cameras not in use signs were back. Odd.

Fatboy slimslow:
A5 being pedantic old beam :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

No, being pedantic would be pointing out the phrase is “old bean” not beam Sarn’t Major! :grimacing: :grimacing:

I wonder what the cost in blood,snot and carnage was
before they decided to give it another go. :unamused:

Doesn’t bear thinking about, RIP.

Christ…I thought from the thread title they were starting to build it…

Nope, this is a three year consultation as to what they’ll do…if anything. Three years to decide how something is going to happen isn’t quite the same as spending three years actually doing it…

And between now and then there’s three years of them finding ways of NOT paying for it too…

I shant be holding my breath for this just yet… :smiley:

No, they’re doing it.