
i know how to work it out was posted somwhere but after doing a search cant find it , so had a go
going down i used-75lts and did 223 kms[ iwork that out as6.99 m.p.g]

comming back used -66lts and did 224kms[work that out as7.98 m.p.g]
if its not right can someone post link or put up how to do it.

If you have a Nokia phone, go into Applications then Collection and you’ll find an great little convertor tool for most things. I mention it only because I had no idea it was there until I got bored last week and started fiddling…(with the phone :unamused: )

Failing that, Google the convertor you want and get the figures from there to use later. :wink:

Ok, heres how…

1 gallon =4.5 litres
1 Kilometre = 0.6093 miles

so, divide your litres used by 4.5 to give Gallons used.
then, Times your Kilometres travelled by 0.6093 to give you Miles travelled.

Next, simply divide your Miles travelled by your gallons used and hey presto!

Assuming your figures in the original post are correct, your MPG on the outward journey was 8.15, and on the return journey was 9.30.

(I now await the onslaught of ridicule should I have actually got this wrong!) :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

1 gallon =4.5 litres
1 Kilometre = 0.6093 miles

Only one decimal place for your liters but 4 decimal places for your miles■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :wink: :wink:

Try using 1 gallon = 4.546 09 litres as those extra decimal places makes quite a difference over time!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Every km counts nowadays!!

If you look at http://www.onlineconversion.com you will find many conversion options including mpg to l/100km, etc etc.

While we’re on the subject of conversion, if you ever need the most up-to-date currency conversions, take a look at http://www.xe.com.

thanks all for help [ should have gone to school a bit more :blush: :blush: ] .figures sound a bit better after tramper worked it out as was getting a bit worried after working it out .
the bit that amazes me is i drove speed limits and 53 m.p.h on way down trying to get best m.p.g and as normal comming back including 56 m.p.h on motorways and i was loaded about the same but used more going down.
would what seemed a fairly strong head wind going down then comming back behind you make that much difference :question: ta

I make it 8.399 & 9.587, one question though, why would you be fueling up twice on such a short trip

one question though, why would you be fueling up twice on such a short trip

Small fuel tank?? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

not fueling up twice just taking kms when i leave to when i get there 223 kms,then kms from there to base 224
checking comp when i leave i.e used14,330 to when i get there 14,405[ 75lts] then comp when i leave to come back 14,405 to getting back 14,471 [66 lts]
comp shows fuel for total miles done i,e done total of 46,649 kms and used 14,471 lts of fuel.
its probally a very long winded way of doing it but it seems to work :wink:


one question though, why would you be fueling up twice on such a short trip

Small fuel tank?? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

600 lts so im told, just dieseled up once at donnington

For a quick MPG calculation, divide kilometres by litres, then times 2.83

thanks all for help [ should have gone to school a bit more :blush: :blush: ] .figures sound a bit better after tramper worked it out as was getting a bit worried after working it out .
the bit that amazes me is i drove speed limits and 53 m.p.h on way down trying to get best m.p.g and as normal comming back including 56 m.p.h on motorways and i was loaded about the same but used more going down.
would what seemed a fairly strong head wind going down then comming back behind you make that much difference :question: ta

It’s not just about speed limits etc, you need to be constantly in the green section of the rev counter even when accelerating through the 'box. Skip gears if you can and use engine / exhaust brake instead of the foot brake as this uses none, or very little fuel when engine is under compression. Anticipate what is ahead and try to keep the wheels moving by avoiding any unneccesary stops. Use the highest gear possible for the terrain and type of road you are travelling on. MPG will rocket up :wink:

Limestone Cowboy:

thanks all for help [ should have gone to school a bit more :blush: :blush: ] .figures sound a bit better after tramper worked it out as was getting a bit worried after working it out .
the bit that amazes me is i drove speed limits and 53 m.p.h on way down trying to get best m.p.g and as normal comming back including 56 m.p.h on motorways and i was loaded about the same but used more going down.
would what seemed a fairly strong head wind going down then comming back behind you make that much difference :question: ta

It’s not just about speed limits etc, you need to be constantly in the green section of the rev counter even when accelerating through the 'box. Skip gears if you can and use engine / exhaust brake instead of the foot brake as this uses none, or very little fuel when engine is under compression. Anticipate what is ahead and try to keep the wheels moving by avoiding any unneccesary stops. Use the highest gear possible for the terrain and type of road you are travelling on. MPG will rocket up :wink:

Who’s been doing SAFED then eh ?

I found that driving about with nothing in the trailer worked too !!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That’s a Salvesen speciality.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

SAFED Driver Training Instructor if you don’t mind :exclamation: :wink: :laughing:

Limestone Cowboy:

thanks all for help [ should have gone to school a bit more :blush: :blush: ] .figures sound a bit better after tramper worked it out as was getting a bit worried after working it out .
the bit that amazes me is i drove speed limits and 53 m.p.h on way down trying to get best m.p.g and as normal comming back including 56 m.p.h on motorways and i was loaded about the same but used more going down.
would what seemed a fairly strong head wind going down then comming back behind you make that much difference :question: ta

It’s not just about speed limits etc, you need to be constantly in the green section of the rev counter even when accelerating through the 'box. Skip gears if you can and use engine / exhaust brake instead of the foot brake as this uses none, or very little fuel when engine is under compression. Anticipate what is ahead and try to keep the wheels moving by avoiding any unneccesary stops. Use the highest gear possible for the terrain and type of road you are travelling on. MPG will rocket up :wink:

have you ever tryed to keep it in the green all day you will get very little done running at full weight driving on a and b roads and thorugh town centres
there are not many people with the time to drive like that
apart from possibly tesco drivers etc

Limestone Cowboy:
:lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

SAFED Driver Training Instructor if you don’t mind :exclamation: :wink: :laughing:

I hope you didn’t go round the practice route 20 times like our trainer did, just to make sure he got the lowest figure. “Uh oh that’s quite good, you’ll find that a bit hard to beat .” So I did!!

Anyway Salvos get their diesel for free, or so you’d think judging by the planning. 100 miles to collect fresh air. That’s ok then. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

apart from possibly tesco drivers etc

And halfords drivers.of course.

Tony b

why not just stick to or use L/100km

I wanted to know this some time ago, so I put this together.
Be kind, it’s on my home server !
You can save the page to your computer, it should still work, all the code is in the page.

btw ady what truck was that.
I was wondering how you guys got such good fuel economy then I clicked re your speed limit and the high cost of fue.l I paid hmmm I paid 46 pence per liter this week
thanks for the links re conversions.

I keep mine in the green all the time now and i’m vary cautious about it.

At the end of the day i dont like racing the nuts off the truck it makes no sense. Its also bad driving practice, considering the torque range is within the green banding on your dash then why waste fuel and time revving out of the range? even when loaded and climbing it makes no great difference.

Mind i think it depends on the engine size also, if needs be take it a grand or two out of the green but nothing more than that.