does any one have any pics of mfp livestock transport from swindon?

There is deffo a link to a video of a few of them running the guantlet of the purple ribbon brigade on here somewhere.

Later days on general,reloading out of Naples.
Found it . . www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAGB5UOHSZs&feature=related

that brings back some memories!!

This might be one


This might be one


They did have 2 Magnums,1 of each and that is a l/h/d.If it is the one,Bob the gob used to drive it.
Thought they were supplied by Complete vehicle services in Swindon?- when there workshops were in Okus trading est.
That must have been when it was being prepped at the main place - Reading ?

Is that aka More F**k*ng Pigs?

Is that aka More F**k*ng Pigs?

That and “Major F**k*ng Problems” :laughing:


This might be one


They did have 2 Magnums,1 of each and that is a l/h/d.If it is the one,Bob the gob used to drive it.
Thought they were supplied by Complete vehicle services in Swindon?- when there workshops were in Okus trading est.

They came from us in Reading - :smiley:




This might be one


They did have 2 Magnums,1 of each and that is a l/h/d.If it is the one,Bob the gob used to drive it.
Thought they were supplied by Complete vehicle services in Swindon?- when there workshops were in Okus trading est.

They came from us in Reading - :smiley:


Did they come back to you when they were “snatched back”? :slight_smile:

I think the Magnums were rented from Mr Tapper at Winchester, because I bought L 142 LDP from the said MrTapper

Edit, I also bought M 839 PRX (another Magnum ) from the same robber,I was led to believe that had also been rented to MFP

A chap from Knighton Shane Hobson drove for M F P when the protests were going on.He has been an owner driver for several years since then.
Cheers Dave.

I think the Magnums were rented from Mr Tapper at Winchester, because I bought L 142 LDP from the said MrTapper

Edit, I also bought M 839 PRX (another Magnum ) from the same robber,I was led to believe that had also been rented to MFP

Last time i spotted L142 LDP was in Dover pulling an Archbolds trailer,bout 12 years ago.

There is deffo a link to a video of a few of them running the guantlet of the purple ribbon brigade on here somewhere

Running the gauntlet - 2 dozen middle aged housewives and crusties calling you EVIL? :laughing: You’ve never dealt with unpaid striking Russian coalminers then :unamused:


This might be one


They did have 2 Magnums,1 of each and that is a l/h/d.If it is the one,Bob the gob used to drive it.
Thought they were supplied by Complete vehicle services in Swindon?- when there workshops were in Okus trading est.
That must have been when it was being prepped at the main place - Reading ?

was bob a big old lad?

Dave the Renegade:
A chap from Knighton Shane Hobson drove for M F P when the protests were going on.He has been an owner driver for several years since then.
Cheers Dave.

was shane the lad who also drove one of the f16s? i can also recal a dave who worked in the office for a while then back on the road?

i could have swore i seen one of the francis bros driving a green homebase artic from swindon last year, would that have been poss

big jer could answer this hes got photos of there f16s for sure . :smiley: :smiley:

Do you no what MFP stood for then?

i could have swore i seen one of the francis bros driving a green homebase artic from swindon last year, would that have been poss

Quite feasable,i think Peter had his own unit pulling for them a few years and is now doing agency work.

The real Basher:
Do you no what MFP stood for then?

Manor Farm Partnership.
The farmhouse is a pub/resturant now.
Rumour has it ,theres an F16 buried under the car park :laughing: