M&D Transport.

Hello Chaps, I’ve tried the search for some info on this company but couldn’t find anything.

Was wondering if any of you are working with them or have done in the past ? What type of work they do ? I usually see them pulling fridges but of late have seen a few pulling timber trailers. I know they’re based around Torrington in Devon, but was wondering what the monies was like, working conditions, type of work, etc.

Thanks for any help that can be given :laughing:

Give them a wide berth if I was you,friend of mine worked there awhile back.

I take it things were not to his liking then :open_mouth: If you prefer not to say on an open forum send me a PM. Was it the money, hours worked or the attitude from the office-bosses ? They seem to run some tidy enough kit.

You have a pm :wink:

Cheers Taff.

No probs.

I worked there for 4 years. Money not the best but nice kit and easy work. Pm if you wish.

Thanks Devonboy, PM sent.

Where’s Turnip when you need him? Off galivanting round the south side of Paris I expect. (Rungis)

Is Mr Turnip an Officinado of matters relating to said firm ? :laughing:

Is Mr Turnip an Officinado of matters relating to said firm ? :laughing:

Only just seen this.
Good firm , easy work. Money catastrophic. And be prepared to work weekends & nights.