
To the “taj the grocer” driver on the M25 between clacket lane and junc 6 this afternoon, if you call yourself a driver I think you need to resit your test. The outside lane of any 3 plus lane motorway is a no no, and then to sit 3 feet off the bumper of tthe car in lane 2 when you decided to cone back over and try to intimidate the driver is just crazy. We were all doing 50 which is the speed limit through the road works, so just live with the fact. Your driving today boardered oj lunacy and could of easily ended in a serious accident :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Why you having a go at that particular driver? There are plenty others do the same day in day out until the one day it all goes wrong!

Why you having a go at that particular driver? There are plenty others do the same day in day out until the one day it all goes wrong!

Intimidation, and in the outside lane in the roadworks with a 6’6" limit? That doesn’t happen very often which is why I imagine this fellow was singled out


Why you having a go at that particular driver? There are plenty others do the same day in day out until the one day it all goes wrong!

Intimidation, and in the outside lane in the roadworks with a 6’6" limit? That doesn’t happen very often which is why I imagine this fellow was singled out

I singled him out for exactly that reason, I travel through those roadworks nearly every day, its becoming a nightmare with all the accidents happening, and this guy was putting a lot of people at risk for no reason, I was traveling in the middle lane and he gained nothing by his completely stupid actions on his progress through that section of roadworks :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

I assume you reported him to the police then before coming on here to ■■■■■ about something that no one is really interested in…

Or ring his gaffer. There’s a difference between cracking on & showing a little frustration & blatantly intimidating or bullying other road users with your big truck, particularly if they’re women (no offence to the ladies anongst us) or old folk.

Taj only have 1 HGV from what I know so it’s not hard to narrow down the driver.