Hi all, just signed up to drivers direct agency. doing class 2 work (hopefully class 1 next month). Had to sign up as LTD as they apparently don’t do PAYE. I’m only looking for 2-3 days average work per week due to other commitments.
What i’m wondering is whats the best way to make full use of been LTD? what can I claim for?
Thanks guys. Still cant get my head around it all. Get paid a £1 hour extra and can claim expenses but pay £20 a week. There example doesnt make much sense either shows earning as £500 a week but when you look into it all that is potential expenses. Confused.com. haha
They do it so they don’t have to pay employer Ni holidays and pension. So they can screw drivers to poor pay rates and have them think there doing well when there actually going to be worse off. For example they pay £10 phr straight through less breaks for a 8-10 hr day. Where as a direct ltd driver. Could net £150 per day for the same shift
As above - it’s hardly worth going Ltd Co for 2 or 3 days a week.
However, see if you can arrange to be paid every two, three or even four
weeks to reduce those £20 a weeks you are paying to the scoundrels.
Play 'em at their own game.
I have had the misfortune of having to work with Agencys who push Ltd company Schemes, normally after you have worked or are near to working 12 Weeks with the same customer.
The Agency sells it to you by giving you an extra £1.00 per hour on your rate. What they may fail to make you aware of- in preparing your wages, they reduce your hourly rate of pay to near the minimum wage and the consequense of this is you effectively get reduced holiday pay- i.e. if you earn £10.00 per hour your holiday pay per hour should likely be £1.20, but, where you are paid the minimum wage £6.50 per hour, holiday pay would be £0.78, that a drop of £0.42 PER HOUR or 35% of a drop.
With your travelling expenses (which each individual can claim yearly for themselves from HMRC, anyway -IF its a temporary place of work Under 2 Years there) laundering expenses, meal allowances and then paying you a bonus- all of which are Not subject to National Insurance contributions, all contributes to you paying less tax and Nat Ins.
NOTE: The Bonus is the Difference between the £10.00 per hour and the minimum wage £6.50 = £3.50 per hour (helps reduce tax and Employee and EMPLOYERS National Insurance contributions), but don’t expect to get the full £3.50 as they will likely take their fees off before paying the bonus.
One large Driver Agency operated a scheme through Paye paying Travelling expenses but keeping HALF the benefit for themselves, despicable *******s.
The rise of these Schemes are no doubt aided by the “Goverments National Insurance: £2000 Employment Allowance”, which, undoubtably, will be getting claimed for / by you, whether you know it or not.
Whether the Agency gets a kick back from the payroll company they outsourced to, I don’t Know, but they outsource it and pay £1.00 per hour extra and in return they don’t pay Employers Nat Insurance or Holiday Pay and less likely to fall foul of The Agency Workers Regulations.(Yes, i’m laughing too)
but the icing on the cake is… Your now an employer who employs themselves with no Employment Rights, so if your hours paid are incorrect or they don’t pay you- no Employment Tribunal for you ,just £150 per hour plus for a solicitor to pursue a breach of contract (if you get one).
So those are my reasons why I won’t go through those schemes, I may be forced to set up a Ltd company on my own and take my chances with HMRC, IR35, Accountants fees all for that grand £1.00 per hour extra *******S
Thanks for the replys guys. Youve all shed some major light on the matter for me and have now told them to stick it. Been new to the agency scene means im still learning the ropes. Feel ridiculous for been led into it and wasting a morning going through potential work with them. Hey ho you got to learn somewhere. Thanks all again.