Three from Poland, with some fire brigade training.

An here’s the recovery underway.
Another trio.
Re Isuzu, these were taken over by GM and for sometime after that shared like components with Bedford.
Isuzu look like a tidy well finished vehicle.
Re Isuzu, these were taken over by GM and for sometime after that shared like components with Bedford.
The three photos of the Chinese tanker rupture have all the hallmarks of metal fatigue or poor manufacture.
Very tricky recovery indeed, i have seen a 104lb propane cylinder that had been overfilled split like this it is amazing the damage it can do.
These are a sequence of a recovery in the UK, I do not know where or who the equipment belongs to.
Heat shield took a bit of damage but otherwise she didn’t appear to suffer too badly!
Thanks very much 5thdragoon!
I will move over to North America now where there are more propane suppliers then every where else put together, seemingly one in every little township, and the first few are ones in a little bit of bother.