Low Payed Britain

Morland Sanders investigates the reality of employment in post-recession Britain: ultra-flexible, insecure and part-time work, and self-employment.

It would obviously be too inconvenient to tell the truth that it is actually the post Fordist global free market economy which is the real problem.Let alone the admission that the wheels are finally falling off of the Thatcherite dream of a service industry based economy with a ‘flexible’ workforce.

I think that this Thatcher stuff has had plenty of time to recover or mend.

Low payed Britain is a result of poor illiteracy amongst prospective employees

I think that might be - Low paid literacy :wink:

That’s bs, all this country wants is cheap everything:lol:

Surely poor illiteracy = good literacy…?

I think that this Thatcher stuff has had plenty of time to recover or mend.

Doesn’t seem to have though, does it?

1979 was a huge turning point for working-class people in this country, and we are still bending over and being shafted by the Blessed Margaret’s heirs and successors to this day. If your Dad was a truck driver, you would have grown up in a four bedroom detached house, start out as a truck driver today and you’ll struggle to pay the rent on a bedsit.

We have only one chance, and I will agree that it is far from being a given, and that is to vote UKIP in May.

They seem to think that everyone on zero hours contracts hates it and wants a fulltime job. No thanks. I like how I work and my wife has been on zero hours with her employer for 18 years and also wouldn’t change it for the same reasons.

People who live in glass houses etc , must apply here , if you put your car into a garage for repair , have a painter ,plumber , joiner etc round to your home to carry out work the their hourly rate has climbed mountains since this time last year do you demand that they carry out the work at a rate from last year when jobs were less plentyful , I leave the rest to your imagination !!!.


ILLITERACY Definition & Usage Examples | Dictionary.com

Yes, I know what the word means. But the phrase “poor illiteracy” is meaningless - unless you are illiterate, in which case it probably means “poor literacy”. Which was my point.

Low payed Britain is a result of poor illiteracy amongst prospective employees

So just the four spelling or grammar errors in one sentence, then? Perhaps you’re not one to preach about either literacy or ‘illiteracy’.

Harry Monk:

I think that this Thatcher stuff has had plenty of time to recover or mend.

Doesn’t seem to have though, does it?

1979 was a huge turning point for working-class people in this country

I think that line is a direct reflection of the growth in the strength of the unions and the hard fought battle they had in moving the interests of the working class forward from the 1920’s.It is also no surprise that it was also the period during which the two wartime generations showed the fight they had in them to not only take on the might of Germany but also the establishment.As for the trend check it again it was actually Wilson and Callaghan who sold them down the river first by halting and turning the line never to return again.Not Thatcher. :bulb: :frowning: :imp:

I think that this Thatcher stuff has had plenty of time to recover or mend.

Every government since has basically followed her lead so it won’t change.


I think that this Thatcher stuff has had plenty of time to recover or mend.

Every government since has basically followed her lead so it won’t change.

So at last is that some recognition that the industrial battles of the 1970’s were actually all about keeping that line on a downward trajectory heading for well below 5% by now and not a bunch of militants striking for the fun of it :question: .

While the working class Thatcher generations were/are victims in swallowing one of the biggest ideological indoctrination con tricks in history. :bulb: :frowning:

You lot don’t know what low pay is. Yes they have a minimum wage here in Greece, but its a minimum monthly wage. This means they can pay what they like per hour. And the cost of living is slightly higher here too. Best way to get a better wage is to get a better education
Wish I’d listened to my mother all those years ago.

You lot don’t know what low pay is. Yes they have a minimum wage here in Greece, but its a minimum monthly wage. This means they can pay what they like per hour. And the cost of living is slightly higher here too. Best way to get a better wage is to get a better education
Wish I’d listened to my mother all those years ago.

No Greece is the logical conclusion of what happens in an economy that has no manufacturing base and a trade deficit to match combined with the idea of ‘austerity’ and wage restraint.


You lot don’t know what low pay is. Yes they have a minimum wage here in Greece, but its a minimum monthly wage. This means they can pay what they like per hour. And the cost of living is slightly higher here too. Best way to get a better wage is to get a better education
Wish I’d listened to my mother all those years ago.

No Greece is the logical conclusion of what happens in an economy that has no manufacturing base and a trade deficit to match combined with the idea of ‘austerity’ and wage restraint.

The UK has a manufacturing base?

Every industry is ruined in the UK now.

Everyone moans about drivers wages all the time.
I think it’s a fair pay compared with all the other trades.

I don’t think anyone can make more than 500 or 600 in the bank. No matter what job you do.

Sad thing is my dad worked in the industrial sector all his days.
When everything was government owned he made a fair wage.
When everything was privatised in the 80s and 90s he made an absolute killing.
Paid his house of with cash and always had loads money.

If he went back to working now he would be on less than he was in 80s and 90s.

The whole country and economy is ruined.