I’m thinking about possibly looking for a flatbed operating company anywhere in the country really, but ideally it would be around Birmingham, but I would also consider Avonmouth area and South - East, as I would be willing to move anywhere for the right opportunity.
It would be good if such a company operated a variety of trailers I could pull, curtainsiders, fridges, containers…, but flatbed is what I’m especially interested in.
Would anyone be willing to throw some names in, where I could enquire about flatbed jobs?
Swains in woodville, Derbyshire are about 25 miles north of Birmingham,pull a variety of trailers but mostly pull construction materials on flatbeds, seem to be looking for drivers regularly, pay is pretty good too I’m told. They have a web page and online application process.
Intake transport from sheffield/scunthorpe do a lot of steel haulage on flatbeds all over the u.k not sure if where they are based would be suitable for you,as previous post mentioned R SWAIN also do a lot of flatbed work as do A.R.R CRAIB at aberdeen,■■■■■■■■■■■ and eaglescliffe.
Richard Long do agricultural machinery and combines.All over the Uk and Europe in left hand drive Dutch plated trucks.
And Plantspeed.Milatary movements.
Kings at Avonmouth.
Thank you gents for your replies.
These are the types of companies I was thinking about.
If you know any other ones no matter what part of the country I would be interested to know what they are and where.
As I said earlier I would be willing to relocate for the right job, so it could be anywhere.
I think I’ve read something recently about that Richard Long co., people didn’t have much positive to say about it, if I recall correctly.
If you know anything about them, pm me, which one to avoid, or what to be aware of.
Yes, clearly I didn’t know the right terminology and confused low loader with a flat bed.
The reason I was looking for low loader companies was that I thought that’s much more specialised type of job, might not be easy especially considering that you need to work outside in various weather conditions for hours sometimes, but I thought it could more interesting than regular box work, especially that you transport various machinery around the country.
I typed Richard Long in the search box, and dear, oh dear…, lol, would actually prefer to do regular curtainsider and fridge jobs than have anything to do with that company there.
I’ve adjusted the header, so it should be clearer now for everyone.
In-Transit… at Baginton just south of Coventry, my mate just started here, they’ve put him on bricks, flatbed no crane, but can’t get low loader drivers, pay is not the best mind, but you get a newish truck. try em it might suit.
Astons in Bilston run a fleet of eight wheeler tippers and low loaders, two trailers are curtainsider low loaders. The artic units are generally good with their own experienced mechanics on site to maintain them. The work is mainly scissor lifts and cherry pickets, so you would need IPAF, they may well pay for it for you with usual sliding scale of paying back a percentage of the cost if you leave within two years. Also some telehandlers and forklifts and other bits of kit. PM me for more details about the company if you are interested. I am a not particularly disgruntled ex employee. It is a company you need to go into with your eyes open, and a bit of a thick skin doesn’t go amiss. The money can be good if you put the hours in.
Denby transport at lincoln do a lot of flat/low lowder work,also rth lubbers at cramlington and mdf transport great yarmouth do a lot of oil &gas industry related transport with flats &low loaders, other uk companies that do flatbed work include rowlands transport shropshire, prestons of potto,j r adams newcastle,john dickinson darlington, s.d.cooper and truswell haulage.
Thanks a lot guys for all your replies and names you’ve supplied.
Some of them look like seriously specialised companies that probably require a lot of experience before they even take a look at you.
None has any vacancies listed on their web page except RL, but I wouldn’t want to get anywhere near Richard Long after what I’ve read in here.
Thanks once again for your posts