Low Bridge, Cornwall

Hi I’m off to St Ives tomorrow for a Friday morning tip I’ve been to Cornwall a few times but never St Ives is there a bridge when I come off A 30 I seem to remember seeing a sign somewhere in the area

Hi I’m off to St Ives tomorrow for a Friday morning tip I’ve been to Cornwall a few times but never St Ives is there a bridge when I come off A 30 I seem to remember seeing a sign somewhere in the area

There is a 15 foot bridge on the B3301 (just off the A30/A3074).

Hi, i’m off down to Truro and Bodmin on monday, I’ve not been down there for about six years, can anyone tell me if that low bridge is still there near Indian Queens, think its the A30 and it was 14’3, I’m in a car transporter and running at 15’10, I asked one of our drivers and he was pretty sure its been bypassed now but I’d like to be certain, anybody help?

Yup 100% sure bypassed !

definitely bypassed :wink:


Bloomin good job too, it was a right pain going round the lanes to miss the bridge and meeting someone coming t’other way.

Thanks for the info, that makes life a bit easier :smiley: :smiley: