I played my last go on the normal lottery yesterday, I am not paying two quid a go. Camelot are just another big company getting too greedy.
I’ll still play. It’s not the £2 that’s ruined it, it’s that there seems to be a different draw every other day now. If it went back to 1 draw a week I’m sure more would play again.
Won’t play it all the time , I would rather spend £2 on euros for a bigger jackpot , won’t hurt every other week … Got to be in it to win it
if I was in a shop selling it on the day I would buy a couple of lucky dips , it will only be the one now though .
If Camelot laid 14 million £1 coins end to end they would stretch about 4 Km. All you have to do is walk down the row and pick the one winner.
The only winner can be the organiser because you will pay £2 per shot.
Still think it’s worth a punt?
I had a D/D £4@month. Now its £8 .I will let it go one month then cancel it. If I happen to pass a shop I will buy a ticket maybe once a month ,at most. ■■■■ the greedy [zb]! My days of contributing to charity are over.
I do the scratch cards as I forget to check the lotto
I’ve about £600 quid up on the Lotto and it’ll stay that way. I wont be paying 2 quid a go.
Health lottery is the way on I reckon
I do the Air Abulance one - It’s a fun way of supporting a great service and the chance of a modest prize.