I wrote a message on the the on the reply page. Accidently flipped a page & lost the whole thing. Anyway to recover lost text…? ( Did it twice… :unamused: )


What I do to prevent that happening is highlight the text and right click my mouse and choose ‘copy’ THEN click the ‘submit’ button. If it ■■■■■ up and doesn’t send it then all I have to do is paste what I’ve just copied and job’s a good one. :slight_smile:

Rob K The problem was I was replying to a post & flicked to Google to check something .Flicked back & was left looking at a blank box. //& then I did it again!! Just thought there was a way to retrieve the two texts,thats all…

Rob K The problem was I was replying to a post & flicked to Google to check something .Flicked back & was left looking at a blank box. //& then I did it again!! Just thought there was a way to retrieve the two texts,thats all…

No. You need to open another browser window if you want to do that without losing what you’ve written :bulb: :laughing: . As all your posts are never more than 2 lines I wouldn’t have thought it much of a problem though :laughing: .

Rob K This was a real early morning rant about the effects of Thatcherism & 3 million unemployed on UK trucking . & how to earn a crust UK drivers had little choice but to drive to Doha etc,not anything to do with glory or status…It went on & on.
I know all about opening the second window thank,Rob.

Might be easier next time Harry, when you want to post a long reply is type it in Word or Notepad first, save it, then copy and paste it to the reply Window. That way you don’t lose should it go ■■■■ up in some way.

Colingl I know how to do it , but these reply pages are hair trigger when you are thumping away in the early hours. What I had to say was sooo important. 15 mins later it not even remotely interesting ,at all. :laughing:

‘Word’ is the way forward - sorts out dodgy spelling too!!

‘Word’ is the way forward - sorts out dodgy spelling too!!

What about Writer from Use OpenOffice.org ■■ Would that do instead■■? :smiley:

Here is a link to the download page for Open.Office.org

OK, OK!!! :confused:

I’ll phrase it better;

A Word Processing Application, of which there are various options available including some that are free and ok and some that are not-ish but are better, all of which will have the ability, to a greater or lesser degree, to check both your spelling and grammar and offer alternative suggestions to words or phrases that may not be recognised or held within that Word Processing Applications database and may even highlight sentences that are far too long. As in this case. :blush: :blush:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

NAH!! 'Ere mate - use Word!! It’s the way forward!! :wink: :wink:

“Help!! I am surrounded !!!” Waves white flag :laughing:

I’ve got internet explorer 7, it has tabs so you can open a new page without opening ie again.
I open one page and then just keep adding tabs, then the pages that are not in use at the time are temporarily suspende till you go back to them.

Apparently it is the same as firefox and AOL but I have always preffered ie so going to keep using it.

I’ve got internet explorer 7, it has tabs so you can open a new page without opening ie again.
I open one page and then just keep adding tabs, then the pages that are not in use at the time are temporarily suspende till you go back to them.

Apparently it is the same as firefox and AOL but I have always preffered ie so going to keep using it.

Do you like IE7 Beta airhorn? I’ve been playing with it recently and find it reallllllllllllllly slooooooooooooooow. I was reading some tech forums about it and they reckon it’s the tabbed browsing that’s causing it. Firefox has exactly the same problem when you’ve got several tabs going at once. I think I’ll stick with IE6.

So will I . I have tried Deepnet,Firefox,Mozilla,Netscape. They all give me probs. So I stick to 6.