Lost dog

We recieved this via e-mail, its a long shot but just in case

I dont know if you are able to help me at all. But our German Shepherd went missing on Monday Evening / Tuesday morning from the A619. We have had a sniffer dog follow her scent to Whitwell Woods, But we have had no sightings we are worried that a lorry driver may have seen her with out a collar on and picked her up from the layby as it is a popular place for lorry drivers to rest.

Would you be able to pass our lost dog poster around or put something on a forum or magazine, we are just so desperate to get her back and this is a last resort.


Good site is Doglost. I’m a member of it.

There was the case last year of Kip, the blind Springer Spaniel who went missing near Hauxley in Northmberland, and it ended up going global via social media, and lots of big names were Tweeting and using Facebook, along with regular searches in the area.

Very sadly for Kip, on one such search, his body was washed up on the beach, and while not a search with a successful ending, it brought Doglost to the fore.

If you love your dogs like I do, then sign up as a member, and keep an eye out for our lost and found four legged friends.


I hope they get their dog back, cant imagine how totally ■■■■■■ up I’d be if i lost my Collie “Gem”.

Same here if i lost my little fella Aflie

Do any of you guys take your dog with you in the truck or is it a big no-no with most companies?

Do any of you guys take your dog with you in the truck or is it a big no-no with most companies?

Dunno about the company but its a no-no with me!
A stand in driver drove mine the other night and took his jack russel with him. :angry: As he let the dog out to run around in the crap whilst he tipped, the next day my cab looked like he’d opened both doors and a herd of wildebeest ran through it :imp: We both had a little chat- he wont be taking his dog to work anymore.
The cab of an Axor is a crap enough place to spend 40 odd hours a week in as it is, without it looking like a bloody ploughed field.
That said, I’d take my dog if i wanted as she’s as clean as a pin (obviously) :laughing:

Sincerily hope theres a happy ending to this, my collie ran off on fireworks night last year and although she was found and returned to us it was the most hellish 24hrs of my life. Spent pretty much the whole night and following day walking/biking/driving round every street in town and surrounding countryside looking for her. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

Hope the lost dog turns up OK were’re all dog mad at home! have 2,fingers crossed and all that, hope for the best!


Not a nice experience…

Id be proper lost with out my mut ‘Daisy’

Used to have a black lab ‘peggy’ cracking dog had her all through childhood and teenage years. She was a crafty sod and would wonder off for walks on her own every couple of months when the gate was left open by accident. Funnily enough she would follow the walk that we used to take her on daily so used to find her pretty quick sharp…

Until the H&S nutters took over the asylum I always took one of my dogs to work, my 45 min break was a nice walk in the park/heath/common etc (no not dogging!!) :laughing:

Sincerily hope theres a happy ending to this, my collie ran off on fireworks night last year and although she was found and returned to us it was the most hellish 24hrs of my life. Spent pretty much the whole night and following day walking/biking/driving round every street in town and surrounding countryside looking for her. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

Yeah, I can imagine exactly how ya feel, my Collie also hates anything that bangs and rumbles outside. We had a brief thunderstorm the other night, she was in bed with me and mrs :laughing: