Lost digi

Hi peeps. I lost my digi card after work!!!“EEJIT”,
So went in and tried to print out the vehicle in the morning. The printer in the truck was faulty… only printing half the info… So, I now have no card. No print. Does a manual cover me for 24 hours until the printer gets sorted? Bring back the frisbee. Lol. Only kidding

A print out won’t give you anything really without your card as it will only show what the vehicle has done NOT who’s done it.

Report loss of card pay £19 get a ref number and await new card .

When you drive next print out 2x start of duty. (Veh)
Use the mode menu throughout the shift i.e. Other work break poa .
End of duty do 2x printouts (Veh)
Fill in the back of ALL printouts with required info i.e.
Licence number etc and ALL manual entries i.e. You did a print out at 06:15 but started work at 06:00 you need to fill in the boxes and when you finished driving / other work done a printout at 18:15 but actually finished duty at 18:30 due to debrie.

Keep one set of copies for your records and hand the other set into the office.

Personally I would keep my copies in my diary just in case for as long as I have that diary.but you only really need to keep each set of printouts for a month .

Hi peeps. I lost my digi card after work!!!“EEJIT”,
So went in and tried to print out the vehicle in the morning. The printer in the truck was faulty… only printing half the info… So, I now have no card. No print. Does a manual cover me for 24 hours until the printer gets sorted? Bring back the frisbee. Lol. Only kidding

If the printer isn’t working and you don’t have a driver card the tachograph needs to be fixed before you drive the vehicle again.

Your activities should be recorded on the VU so I suppose you could keep a written record of your start and finish times but I’ve no idea whether or not the DVSA would accept it.

Either way, if the printers not working you need to check that the VU is actually recording the activities, scroll through the menu to “Display Vehicle” then select a date that you know the printer wasn’t working and press “OK”, then scroll through the display to check that everything was recorded.

My advice would have to be either wait until the tachograph is fixed before driving the vehicle again, or phone the DVSA and get confirmation that it’s OK to use the tachograph to record the activities and keep a record of your start and finish times.

In a case like this, would you be covered in you used an analogue chart and filled it in as you went through the day?

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

El Deano:
In a case like this, would you be covered in you used an analogue chart and filled it in as you went through the day?

No, if the tachograph isn’t recording the drivers activities the vehicle needs to be defected.