Hello need advice quick time I have not long had a new fireplace put in and it has not yet been sealed and my house mate have moved my things and managed to get my card stuck down the crack
There is just no way to get at it without causing damage I have not long stated a new job and I am working tomorrow what can I do I read somewhere before its okay if you just take a print out at the start and end of the day until your new card arrives it this correct ? 
You can work for 15 days if you have lost your card. You should apply for a replacement ASAP. It will cost £19. You are correct that you should take a printout at the start and end of each shift.
To be honest i would break the fire place to retrieve the card and claim off house insurance by taking a before and after photo or ask your flat mate to pay for a new card as it is not your fault.
Further to my above reply I should have added that DVLA must be informed within 7 days of the first use of printouts. Also the printouts must show all periods of other work, POA and break and daily rest periods using manual entries.
Another suggestion is to ask your boss to drive on analogue or paper disc tachos until the card problem is sorted as lgv man has manual entries and they must be accurate as that can lead to fraud which is a heavy fine.
Thanks for the information guys i have notified the DVLA and my new card is on the way i have spoke to my boss about it and he is fine with the printouts until card arrives so alls well that ends well feel a bit of a ■■■ but other than no damage done