Losing then finding digi card

If you misplace or lose your digi card and drive without it for 2 days and do vehicle printouts and write on the back as is allowed; how do you manually enter the 2 missing days if your card turns up again? This is my first ever post on any forum so I do apologise if the procedure or etiquette is wrong. Thanks.

I’m sorry but you can’t, once it’s reported lost you have to pay the fee for a duplicate.

Thanks for the swift reply. I hav’nt reported my card lost as I found it after 2 days (I think you have a week to report it missing) . Do I now manually enter two missing shifts? I have never lost a card before so its not something I’m up to speed on and when looking for help on the internet you seem to find thousands of answers to questions you never asked and can spend hours looking for a solution. Thanks in anticipation to you knowlegable types.

Now you have found the card just carry on and use it as normal. Keep the printouts you made and signed. Carry for 28 days as required etc.

You’ve not done anything wrong - you have 7 days to report to DVLA

It would take you ages to input manual entries into the tachograph for two shifts and the likelihood of making a mistake makes it pointless, if you’ve used the card since finding it you can’t do manual entries for the missing shifts now anyway.

As said just carry on as usual and hand the printouts in after 28 days.

Welcome to Trucknet-UK by the way :wink:

Thanks for sorting that out Gents. You have to be so careful these days, I certainly don’t want any infringements to add to my recent run of bad luck ie 2 minor bumps.