Lorry Watch at Bradford On Avon

The organiser Spephanie Ridout has quoted in the Wiltshire Times that she wants a complete ban of all commercial vehicles in her town, apparently in her opinion trucks clog up the traffic causing pollution and put off visitors from going there when they see the traffic jams.
She was asked if she was a Queen for a day, and that is what she would wish for, at the moment there is a 18 ton weight limit, but has quoted in Commercial Motor a few months ago they fail to advertise that their spotters made 150 mistakes last year.
She also said that she wished the town to have no trucks like it did a decade ago, the spotters are told any vehicle with more that two axles is over weight.
If she takes a holiday,how does the fuel get loaded on the her plane, how do factories keep going without bulk and raw materials, why do all these types of people think the train is the answer,and can not work out that you need a truck to deliver the goods to the final destination from the freight rail head, last time i looked out of my window i could not see room for an Intercity 125 or a freight train to drop my parcel off i have ordered on line.

If carslberg made traffic regulations there’d be no deliveries to any of the shops in her town. Tesco shelves bare in a couple of days, no parcels delivered or post. People like this make me sick.
A few years ago I was delivering to schools which are generally in residential areas and I’ve had stick from other road users, usual comments. "You shouldn’t be down here, how can I get to drop little jimmy off at the school gate because I’m too bone idle to walk 100 yards.
Do they think we drive round for the fun of it?
Yes, I think they probably do.

But Bradford-On-Avon is an extremely pretty smal old town and it’s a good thing there’s a weight limit otherwise lorries will get stuck on the A363 coming down that tight hill to the town centre.

Thank god bath got told to wined there necks in that part of the country is hard enough to drive round with out these ■■■■

Thank god bath got told to wined there necks in that part of the country is hard enough to drive round with out these ■■■■

might have been a good thing if they did ban them then it might have shown some of anti lorry brigade how much this country depends on trucks too deliver the basic stuff aswell as the luxury goods

They need to go out in a truck for a day and see what happens. As for truck watching what gives people the right. Shall I go out with a road hawk camera in my car and pull them up for every single thing they do wrong on the road as that is where I live mostly ?

I have aired my tuppence of moaness to townclerk@bradfordonavontowncouncil.gov.uk
The French soon got fed up with their empty shelves when the French truckers used to go on strike, the strikes were very common, and for some drivers they would get stuck on purpose for the excuse of a few nights on the beer.
The lady in question is the organiser of the Lorry Watch was a teacher, so i thought she was an educated person, but not to make a comment like she did.
As we all know the roads we use in the Uk are fit for the donkey and cart and the roads are centuries old, so why not build a suitable alternative like they have done in Europe.
Over there all villages and towns have a ring road or by pass, take Pamplona for an example, you pay the toll road for a small fee, but they have built “truck cities”, large areas to service the transport industry,there are tyre dealers and repairs, fuel stations, customs clearance offices, the list goes on.
La Jonquera on the French/Spanish border, years ago it was a small out back transit route, now it is full of large all you can eat buffet restaurants, a casino,shops that cater for food to sell to Eastern European drivers, a Bulgarian deli and so on.
When did anti truck Nimby`ism start in the Uk and why did it start, some have said when there were not so much flat bed trucks on the road and the cars could see a safe way to over take trucks.

Any town that doesn’t welcome trucks, london included, should have no trucks going in, as that is what they want.
So no truck goes in, shelves empty in 2 days, no fuel in 3 days, no post, no money for cash machines, no home deliveries of furniture or white goods, no newspapers or milk or anything else that comes on a truck.
Give them what they want, a truck free town, we can survive without them, can they survive without us?

Lorry Watch is what retired people do, it gives them a purpose in life.

They should be enjoying their golden years spending the kids inheritance on Saga cruises to the Med and Caribbean, not standing in the rain and snow with a high viz jacket and a clip board pretending to be the police, they do not get paid to record the truck number plates.
Bet they like the lorries when they have heavy Argos home deliveries to their front door, or when doing a house renovation have a Hiab drop over the fence.
In the Uk most cars have single occupancy, but this lot blame the trucks for clogging the roads, if the car was shared and filled with 4 or more people that will cut congestion.
Next time you are on the road, count how many cars you see with only one person in it.
If you take a holiday abroad, when you stop, people at the side of the road ask where you are going, and it is in their culture for the driver to share the car.
Bath could not provide their reason for their truck ban, MP Doctor Andrew Murrison objected to their plans.
For towns like Bradford, Eastern euro drivers will not understand the signs for the weight limits and he will be following his car sat nav and not a Snooper or truck sat nav, he can not turn around there.
When you take a car test, you should drive an artic at a private airfield for the day, so they can see the blind spots, try to reverse, read up on all the legal paperwork for all the rules and regulations,maybe they will have more respect for us, but dream on.

This Lorry Watch nonsense is just another example of the sorry state of our society today.

You cant do anything today without a so called do gooder sticking their nose in and always ready to report you for the slightest thing.

It all reminds of the state of Germany before and during the war where they lived in fear of the Gestapo watching them on every street corner.

Wnen will these idiots learn that if you have got it a truck brought it!

Pete the post:
Any town that doesn’t welcome trucks, london included, should have no trucks going in, as that is what they want.
So no truck goes in, shelves empty in 2 days, no fuel in 3 days, no post, no money for cash machines, no home deliveries of furniture or white goods, no newspapers or milk or anything else that comes on a truck.
Give them what they want, a truck free town, we can survive without them, can they survive without us?

Your forgetting though that all retail deliveries etc. could instead be taken to an out of town hub, then brought to the shops on sprinter vans :unamused:

Yes, this is a genuine and common arguement by our beloved NIMBY friends.

Lorry Watch is what retired people do, it gives them a purpose in life.

Stobarts Spotters :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:


Pete the post:
Any town that doesn’t welcome trucks, london included, should have no trucks going in, as that is what they want.
So no truck goes in, shelves empty in 2 days, no fuel in 3 days, no post, no money for cash machines, no home deliveries of furniture or white goods, no newspapers or milk or anything else that comes on a truck.
Give them what they want, a truck free town, we can survive without them, can they survive without us?

Your forgetting though that all retail deliveries etc. could instead be taken to an out of town hub, then brought to the shops on sprinter vans :unamused:

Yes, this is a genuine and common arguement by our beloved NIMBY friends.

What about the manufacturers in town centres, how many sprinter vans does it take to move 52 pallets to the hub, how long does it take and how much does it cost? These are the questions those in the REAL world ask.

Ban all trucks in B on A for a month. None in and none out.

How long before they are begging for trucks again…? At least they’ll have clear roads to walk down - they won’t be driving because there won’t be any fuel…there’ll be no point going to the supermarket because it’ll be empty…the kids won’t be able to go to school 'cos there’ll be no supplies reaching the school…

I give it a week before they want trucks back… :grimacing:

Utterly thick do-gooding ■■■■■■■■■■

The Nimby`s have no idea that factories need raw and bulk materials to make everything they buy or own, chemical tankers are very important, without them there is no production, from the granules in your tooth paste, pvc and plastics,fruit juice, milk,airline fuel, milatary operations, explosives for the quarry industry, these people live in a bubble world, not in the real world.
A livestock driver told me a motorist was having a right go at him for driving down the narrow lane to collect his animals, the trucker asked the car driver how you expect the livestock to get to the market, then the penny dropped, are people really this thick and ignorant?

I drive through Bradford on Avon often. I can understand why there is a weight limit. The odd artic that I have seen trying to climb the hill has just sat there wheel spinning. I originally thought this was the reason for the weight limit. But no, the weight limit is for the bridge. So anyone coming in from Melksham gets to the weight limit and has to go up the hill.

The hill going in and out of the town has two yellow boxes, at those two points it is too narrow for two cars to pass each other, in the ice or snow a truck would have problems missing a gear and spinning out or in an automatic gear box truck.

I say let them have a truck-free town for a week…then organise 150 white vans per day to bring
the stuff in…they’ll soon get the message.

Yes, even bring the fuel in by one IBC at a time…oh the fun :smiley:

There is 17 posts saying how wrong she is, but how many of you have told the Wiltshire Times we no it but there readers don’t but they do no her.