It proves the above have no clue on sizes and classes of trucks after reading a report on a Lorry watch in Kent the spotters made mistakes and thought if it looks big they have reported trucks to be fined despite being trained to identify different axles.
Residents assumed by having a Lorry watch it would stop all Lgv traffic and drivers got fined even though they were delivering and had the right to be there.
The Bradford on Avon spotters made 150 errors too.
It proves the above have no clue on sizes and classes of trucks after reading a report on a Lorry watch in Kent the spotters made mistakes and thought if it looks big they have reported trucks to be fined despite being trained to identify different axles.
Residents assumed by having a Lorry watch it would stop all Lgv traffic and drivers got fined even though they were delivering and had the right to be there.
The Bradford on Avon spotters made 150 errors too.
surely a resident/spotter’s “evidence” cannot stand up in court? what qualifies them to do this? same as these local speedwatch type things?
It proves the above have no clue on sizes and classes of trucks after reading a report on a Lorry watch in Kent the spotters made mistakes and thought if it looks big they have reported trucks to be fined despite being trained to identify different axles.
Residents assumed by having a Lorry watch it would stop all Lgv traffic and drivers got fined even though they were delivering and had the right to be there.
The Bradford on Avon spotters made 150 errors too.surely a resident/spotter’s “evidence” cannot stand up in court? what qualifies them to do this? same as these local speedwatch type things?
They don’t need qualifications. All they’ve got to do is see a lorry that they think is over the weight limit and take the number, all the details are on PNC.
Bradford-on-Avon should be easy, it’s an 18T mgw limit AFAIK so anything with over 2 axles is fair game.
I wouldn’t mind these weight limit restrictions if the alternative routes were properly signposted.
Lorry watch is a group of volunteers that are not paid to record number plates.They give the details to Trading Standards who then pass it on to DVLAResidents do not record numbers.Why buy a house they know will have all types of traffic going past.
It is like anti runway protesters living near airports.
The police national computer is not used for lorry watch.