Lorry tyre blowout M5 between j14 & j15 20/06/22

Had this happen in front of me yesterday.


First time I had one let go I thought a bomb had gone off , I learnt many years later don’t try & get the lorry to a safe place ( if there’s no h/s) , as I got to the slip ok , but had left a slick of oil as tyre going off had punctured hydraulic tank , had to shut running lane , cops less than impressed

Any damage to your vehicle?

Bet the driver of the white car bricked themselves.

dave docwra:
Any damage to your vehicle?

Luckily no damage to my truck!!

Bet the driver of the white car bricked themselves.

Yeah I bet, lucky it was busy as was going to overtake and would have been along side when it blew!!

Did that blow an airbag off as well, looked something like that bouncing along as the van passed

I had a drive tyre go on the freeway here in Brisbane. Right beside it was surprisingly, a cortina. He pulled up as I stopped and I thought he had some damage. When I asked him he said no, I just ■■■■ meself. :laughing: