Lorry stolen

I thought I would bring this to your attention.On Tuesday a driver working for the same company as me was waiting to tip outside a customers premises in the Stafford area. He was getting his head down for a few mins waiting for the place to open, when a bloke knocked the cab and said would you mind pulling forward a bit because you are blocking some thing or other he got out to have a look at the back of the truck,when some one jumped in behind the wheel and drove his truck away The truck was a fully loaded artic with 56 palletts of Stella kegs. This is about the 3rd time this as happend in the that area.I thought I would mention this as it just shows how easily you can be conned.I think the moral to this story is dont leave the keys in the ignition even for a second

at least it was only stella YUK :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: