Lorry on the wrong side of the road did no wrong

Very intresting…forums.pepipoo.com/lofiversion/i … 70551.html

Full report…insurancepisol.wordpress.com/201 … ry-driver/

Some right morons on that Pepipoo thread who seem to think you can drive an artic round the UK always staying within the white lines. Fascinates me a bit at how easily people are prepared to log into a forum, in keyboard warrior mode, and spout forth on something they have no experience in.

To be honest I generally do make an extra effort to stay within white lines, and risk the extra mirror damage, on the basis if something does hit you, you’re where you’re supposed to be. I also notice these days on blind corners on narrow country lanes very few motorists sound their horn.

Yes, although the title of the post, not yours, the original, is extremely misleading.

Unsurprisingly, the motorcyclists see the incident as entirely the lorry driver’s fault and the car, van and lorry drivers and driving/riding instructors who have posted
comments do not.

As far as I can see, the court of appeal have decided that the accident was the fault of the motorcyclist, whereas the original court
came to the opposite conclusion.

From the facts contained in the court report, it seems likely that the motorcyclist would have hit the lorry even if it had been stationary
and for the record, though the horrific result will have blighted the rest of his life, I think it was indeed his fault.

Both of your links made interesting reading, many thanks.


Own Account Driver:
Some right morons on that Pepipoo thread who seem to think you can drive an artic round the UK always staying within the white lines. Fascinates me a bit at how easily people are prepared to log into a forum, in keyboard warrior mode, and spout forth on something they have no experience in.

To be honest I generally do make an extra effort to stay within white lines, and risk the extra mirror damage, on the basis if something does hit you, you’re where you’re supposed to be. I also notice these days on blind corners on narrow country lanes very few motorists sound their horn.

We’re now advised NOT to sound our horn on country roads, might startle a horse for example.

If it’s likely you’re going to be impeding in someone elses road space, slow down and check first is the advise, ie sharp blind cormer, treat it as you would a give way in a town centre for example.

My missus rides a horse, and it’s not too bad with horns, doesn’t like the air dump valve though since 1 blew the air on it’s legs, went mad and now hates the sound, but I’d hate to think that she was injured because someone came round a country road blaring their horn.

Just sounds like there was a marginal trailer cut that the driver has had to deal with like he has most probably done a million times but this time a motorbike was taking a corner like a gp race and got killed?

Own Account Driver:
Some right morons on that Pepipoo thread who seem to think you can drive an artic round the UK always staying within the white lines. Fascinates me a bit at how easily people are prepared to log into a forum, in keyboard warrior mode, and spout forth on something they have no experience in.

I think the original posters arguments were pretty much destroyed by the others posters. He even in the end had to admit that large vehicles might have to cross a centre line. :laughing:

Recently a car driver tried to get past me as I was turning right, I came across the road into his path and did he ever go into one, William Anker hand signals etc.

Highway Code item 221, p75 :wink:

“LARGE VEHICLES. These may need extra road space to turn etc”

“Be prepared to stop and wait if it needs room or time to turn.”

Reminds me of a driver who got done a few years ago because the trailer wheels were cutting across the solid white lines in the middle of a narrowish bendy road, he was being followed by an off duty copper who reported him for the “offence”.
People in authority have no right to critisise a drivers performance, if they have never driven a truck in there lives!
Some minor law breaking is totally unavoidable at times.

The biker failed the first lesson of roadcraft, keep your zb gob shut!

The problem was that Whiteford had earlier accepted part of the responsibility for the accident when the lawyers for the truck firm claimed that in the circumstances he should have been riding in the middle of his lane instead of near the white line.

When you crash you admit nothing, even after you recover, state facts, name and address.

It was a narrow lane, the truck may well have been over the line marking, but that isn’t against the law, it is against the law to run across pavements and squash pedestrians with the trailer wheels.

Sorry. Lorry Won!
Biker Didn’t

In my view there should be a policy of only painting centre white lines where a 2.5m wide vehicle can comfortably travel between them. Their absence could then be relied upon by traffic from both directions that the road is narrowing and to prepare accordingly.

Just sounds like there was a marginal trailer cut that the driver has had to deal with like he has most probably done a million times but this time a motorbike was taking a corner like a gp race and got killed?

what a stupid remark. pillock.

Use smaller vehicle to deliver, it’s not difficult. Lack of planning.

Who planned the route? Probably no-one, the driver made it up as he went along.

The lorry driver should have stopped before it became dangerous, in case it ended up with the lorry hitting someone on the wrong side of the road and taking their leg off. Then close the road ahead with HATO or similar to allow the lorry through, this would have been safer than taking someone’s leg off. All costs to be carried by the lorry driver, confiscate the lorry and the cargo if necessary. Also prosecute the lorry driver for careless driving. There we are, solved that

You couldnt make this ■■■■ up.