Lorry loader

Just been looking through the jobs pages, and came across a job where it said “Lorry-Loader operator’s cert. a distinct advantage.” What does this certificate mean and is it worth going for.

A Lorry Loader, is by its correct name a Lorry mounted loading crane, its also known as a HIAB.
The certificate is easy & fairly cheap to aquire, it only take a day or two of training & as to, is it worth it, the Professional drivers forum has a HIAB thread.

Many lgv training schools also offer lorry-mounted crane training and a certificate has become an essential health & safety and insurance requirement as well as being a common sense idea.

In theory by extending the skills you can offer an employer you should increase the wages he pays you, after all he’s going to be charging the customer more.

Many agencies in the SE are desperate for ‘Hiab trained’ drivers, the majority of the work being for builder’s merchants where once again health & safety rules have outlawed heavy handballing.

I advise going for it, the greater the number of strings to your bow the better the chance of interesting and well paid professional employment.
I initially taught myself then did an approved course and have often found it useful.