Lorry driver jailed for 14years for drug smuggling

talk about how you can stop its use and supply
not talk about legalisation to legalise it

talk about how you can stop its use and supply

And how long have people been doing that? Clearly doesn’t work does it. But until someone has the balls to think outside the box drug problems will persist. I personally think alcohol is much more destructive than many drugs

talk about how you can stop its use and supply
not talk about legalisation to legalise it

You can’t and won’t, simple. Legalisation and control would reduce associated crime of all sorts dramatically. Welcome to modern society and freedom of choice. It’s legal to buy alcohol for pennies and get so hammered you cause crime, violence and personal health issues !!! And hey at least we could tax it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

talk about how you can stop its use and supply
not talk about legalisation to legalise it

Great idea.

Now tell us how to. If you can come up with a fool proof way to solve all use and supply issues you’ll make millions mate…

There will always be people in society that take drugs, just as some will smoke and some will drink. The fact is that you cannot stop people being stupid if they want to be…

If you allow legalisation of drugs it won’t solve all the problems. But it will allow some control and will stop some of the dealers that are currently making a lot of money out of it.

The driver in question here was made an example of. A message to other drivers - this is what happens if you are caught. If they’d let him off lightly his mate and then his mate then his may have thought ‘that’s worth a pop for a few grand.’

You have to say that any drug is readily available anywhere on the island of ours and in the main most of it is imported. A lot of it gets through and there’s only one way it’s getting through and that’s from trucks. Personally I think there is a blind eye turned to a lot of it for reasons beyond what I understand. They have to be seen to catch people now and again to be seen to be doing something. I’ve never taken a drug in my life but I could probably buy some from someone within an hour of a phone call. You can’t even get beer that easy some certain times !

this guy got three kids would he like them on it iv seen wat it can do its heartbraking personally i hope the ■■■■ rots in hell regards rowland

A lot of it gets through and there’s only one way it’s getting through and that’s from trucks.

so it isnt smuggled on ships and in airfreight,only way its getting in is from trucks? …

and there’s only one way it’s getting through and that’s from trucks.

It actually come in in a variety of ways, from yachts to fishing vessels to private planes to trucks etc.

See some junkie smackhead dealing to wee weans what would he get? Now without this driver this stuff still would have came here one way or another but 14 years seems steep when dealers dont even get that.

Average sentences for drug dealers

‘‘Cocaine dealers get on average the longest sentences at 39.3 months in prison, compared to 35.9 months for heroin, 28.4 months for Ecstasy, 23.4 months for LSD and just 13.3 months for cannabis.’’

Even peados only get 5-6 years and 1 year for images

FFS 14 years is like what a murderer would get.

Limeyphil’s been a bit quiet today :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I knew i’d get dragged into it. :laughing: :laughing:
The guy must be [zb]ing off his head.

  1. he admitted to it. :unamused:
  2. he accepted £2000 :unamused: . The going rate for that amount is £165000 for the driver.
    So i’ve heard. :wink:

If he knew what he was doing then he’s a bit of a twonk, he stood to earn £2,000 and even if he had got half the sentence then that’s a pretty poor risk/return ratio.

He’ll get that sentence overturned by the court of appeal on the basis of it being out of all proportion to:-

(1) First offence
(2) being higher than what arsonists and rapists get, and even multiple manslaughter
(3) Pleading guilty.

The judge has ‘made an example’ here perhaps, but now there is a chance of having the entire sentence chucked out by the court of appeal!
The same reason applies as to why DD/DR killers don’t get more than six years despite there being law structure there to bang them away for upto 20.
Give 'em six years, and it stands. Give em more, and they’ll do more on remand than in jail, 'cos it’ll get overturned! :bulb:

How to deal with the illegal drugs problem.

It costs millions and millions of public funds to police and deal with the social and health consequencies of illegal drugs, not to mention the cost to victims of crime perpetrated to support drug habits.

Legalise it. Make everything available to those who want it. Everything that is underground and illicit.

Use the money saved from not having to police the problem, and not having to deal with the health and social problems to do the following.

Society could control the production and supply and take it away from the criminals. We might even create jobs by doing it.

Deal with addicts on the basis that they are ill, and need health care, encourage them to become clean, if they want to.

Put education programs in place to discourage people from trying now legalised drugs, particularly for the young (it could even feature as part of the DCPC curriculum). Make these programs hard hitting like smoking programs are becoming.

It is not liberal. The way we deal with the drugs problem is not working. It is a better way of dealing with the problem.

It would allow the Police loads of more time to deal with proper crime, like LGV drivers going a few minutes over their legal hours, or parking in lay byes without showing the correct lighting!

Hard hat in place.

How can you discourage the public to use something youve just legalised? If youve made something legal you have sent out the message its acceptable.

He should be thankful it wasn’t Turkey,Iran or Morocco.

you`ve seen midnight express then ?

How can you discourage the public to use something youve just legalised? If youve made something legal you have sent out the message its acceptable.


He took money to bring something illegal back to the uk. He was aware that was wrong. To me that makes him a criminal. Deal with what’s happened driver.

“How can you discourage the public to use something youve just legalised? If youve made something legal you have sent out the message its acceptable.”


You implement a program of education. Starting by saying the legalisation is not to encourage, but to deal with the problem in a better way than leaving it with criminals to supply, and addicts having to pay for it with proceeds of crime.

It is legal to drink and drive. But it is still discouraged. Ask any official body how much they recommend you drink before you drive, they will say nil.

Speedy Duck has made the most sensible and adult comments on this topic. Education is the key, and I’d to add education on the ACTUAL dangers of each drug, not this silly 'ALL DRUGS ARE EVIL/BAD FOR YOU/KILL YOU approach that helps no one. Allow people to make informed choices about what they take. The fact of the matter is many illegal drugs aren’t that dangerous and most are no more dangerous than tabacco or alcohol. I mean despite all the media scare stories surrounding ecstasy its jot actually that dangerous, and I’d rather spend the night with someone who’s popped an E than someone getting ■■■■■■ up. Most of the health dangers in drug arise form the dealers cutting it with other substances so if legaliser this element of danger would go. I think it would be sold in special government shops like alcohol is in Sweden, with knowlegeable staff than can give customers proper advice much like a pharmacist would.

Like he said this isn’t left wing or libral bs, its just seeing that the current way doesn’t work and it’s time for a change


How can you discourage the public to use something youve just legalised? If youve made something legal you have sent out the message its acceptable.


Smoking was never illegal