Lorry driver ‘lucky to be alive’



A lorry driver said he is lucky to be alive after youths threw a large stone at his front windscreen.

John Jones was driving a 44-tonne lorry at around 6.20pm on Tuesday night and had just left the Kiln Farm Distribution Centre heading northbound on the A5 when he saw three youths on a bridge.

Seconds later he saw one of them throw a rock from the bridge before he heard an ‘horrendous bang’.

He said: “It was absolutely disgusting. The road was busy as well so I couldn’t stop, and if I had swerved I would have taken out seven cars.

“It came straight through the visor and straight into the windscreen. It left a football sized crack in the windscreen on the passenger side.

“I dread to think what would have happened if it had hit a car, I’m sure it would have done more damage though and maybe killed them. Being an experienced driver you’re ready for anything, so I didn’t swerve, but it shook me up.”

John called his boss at ATLE who asked if he was OK, before asking how bad the lorry was damaged. As it was dark John didn’t realise the extent of the damage so said there was nothing on the windscreen, but that he thought the rock had hit the roof so would need to check when he stopped.

However, when he got to his destination, he saw the damage and immediately called police.

He said: “When it first hit there was an horrendous bang but I looked and couldn’t see any damage, so assumed it had hit the roof. I was lucky it didn’t hit on my side of the lorry.”

This demands a slapped wrist!

Had something launched at me a couple of weeks back…I’d only been out the depot 2 minutes!

Overdrive Olly:
This demands a slapped wrist!

thats if they catch em thats wot they will get which sends out the signal that it’s ok too do it.

Looking at the regularity of cameras overlooking carriageways in the UK, it shouldn’t be that hard to set more up so that every overbridge is on at least one camara at all times, high up on an unreachable pole, but close enough that a simple rez-up of the pics will show the faces of those hanging about on tops of bridges. No face visibles - get a patrol car around there pronto. :bulb:

Once a few of these yobbos find themselves being buggered in dartmoor by some 20 stone lifer every single day for the next 25 years will the rest of the would-be public menaces get the message. :angry: :angry:

Looking at the regularity of cameras overlooking carriageways in the UK, it shouldn’t be that hard to set more up so that every overbridge is on at least one camara at all times, high up on an unreachable pole, but close enough that a simple rez-up of the pics will show the faces of those hanging about on tops of bridges. No face visibles - get a patrol car around there pronto. :bulb:

Once a few of these yobbos find themselves being buggered in dartmoor by some 20 stone lifer every single day for the next 25 years will the rest of the would-be public menaces get the message. :angry: :angry:

Don’t often agree with winseer but I do on this occasion

Looking at the regularity of cameras overlooking carriageways in the UK, it shouldn’t be that hard to set more up so that every overbridge is on at least one camara at all times, high up on an unreachable pole, but close enough that a simple rez-up of the pics will show the faces of those hanging about on tops of bridges. No face visibles - get a patrol car around there pronto. :bulb:

Once a few of these yobbos find themselves being buggered in dartmoor by some 20 stone lifer every single day for the next 25 years will the rest of the would-be public menaces get the message. :angry: :angry:

You took the words right off my keyboard, my friend.

Up that end of the A5 you’ve got Greenleys estate on one side of the bridge and Fuller Slade on the other.
Both full of idiot chavs that think throwing stuff on to the A5 is funny.

:frowning: I have enough trouble ducking and diving down the A12, mainly on sunday nights/monday mornings. If the overbridges don’t get you, the stupid super-slim laybys will.

Should enclose the bridges with steel mesh (seen them in many major towns and cities) which stops the toe rags from doing this sort of stuff.

Those caught should be suspended by the neck from the bridge they have used to do it so that all can see they have been punished accordingly and to deter like minded individuals! :wink:


Here’s one from me - Happened last week whilst driving through Birmingham. I have no idea what caused it but it certainly woke me up! Its about fist size!