Lorries making life a misery

Another Nimby yarn, in September 2012 public consultation displaying proposal for a 22 Hectare solar panel farm.
Family that live near the solar site only find out of it’s construction in March 2014,they complain to council to say the fields for dog walking has gone,locals annoyed ,even though they are surrounded by other fields.

April 2014,locals complain life is miserable due to convoys of foreign lorries blocking lanes to get unloaded.

March 2015,High Court Judge rules that the site must be dismantled at a cost to tax payers of 1.5 .million, there is no second hand market for the panels.
The owner of a Grade two listed house wins the court case to remove the 10.5 million site, due to the council not consulting the English Hetitage.

Villagers now compaining of more misery as the lorries must return to remove all the equipment and panels.Locals moan the lanes had six inches of mud and couldn’t get through but in the photo in the paper, it shows room for any size vehicle to pass.
Well, are they now happy, they can now walk
their dogs.
How did the family not notice building work going on and not read the planning application posted in the vivicinity.?
They maintain that they were not informed about the development of the site.
Do the locals think of fleet of Chinooks will pick up the panels, lorries have to come back, tough mammaries, the site is going.

On a related note, has anybody heard any Chinese whispers about a lorry strike in London for the second week of September? I’ve heard it a couple of times now, from different sources, that there will be a mass stoppage for one week, to demonstrate against Boris and co.

Find it hard to believe that enough people would support it, but maybe its just intended to sow panic and create a bit of sensible discussion…

On a related note, has anybody heard any Chinese whispers about a lorry strike in London for the second week of September? I’ve heard it a couple of times now, from different sources, that there will be a mass stoppage for one week, to demonstrate against Boris and co.

Find it hard to believe that enough people would support it, but maybe its just intended to sow panic and create a bit of sensible discussion…

Just Googled it and can’t find what aspect of BJ’s policies it’s against or what form it’ll take (whether it consists of not delivering into London or an actual stoppage in London). Personally, if it’s about truck safety measures like cameras etc. to stop cyclists being killed I wouldn’t support that, but if it’s against the roll-out of 20mph speed limits on main roads everywhere I certainly would – I hate driving in London as it is (and refuse jobs that involve it when I can) and 20mph limits make it more inconvenient, take longer etc (they clearly have no clue about drivers’ hours rules). If it involves not driving in, that’s what I’ll probably be doing anyway, but you’d need the haulage companies to join in, as the unions don’t have enough members to pull such a thing off on their own.


On a related note, has anybody heard any Chinese whispers about a lorry strike in London for the second week of September? I’ve heard it a couple of times now, from different sources, that there will be a mass stoppage for one week, to demonstrate against Boris and co.

Find it hard to believe that enough people would support it, but maybe its just intended to sow panic and create a bit of sensible discussion…

Just Googled it and can’t find what aspect of BJ’s policies it’s against or what form it’ll take (whether it consists of not delivering into London or an actual stoppage in London). Personally, if it’s about truck safety measures like cameras etc. to stop cyclists being killed I wouldn’t support that, but if it’s against the roll-out of 20mph speed limits on main roads everywhere I certainly would – I hate driving in London as it is (and refuse jobs that involve it when I can) and 20mph limits make it more inconvenient, take longer etc (they clearly have no clue about drivers’ hours rules). If it involves not driving in, that’s what I’ll probably be doing anyway, but you’d need the haulage companies to join in, as the unions don’t have enough members to pull such a thing off on their own.

20mph in London■■? You’re lucky to get above 10mph so I don’t see what difference it would make if it came in.

20mph in London■■? You’re lucky to get above 10mph so I don’t see what difference it would make if it came in.

There are plenty of places in London where it’s possible to do 30 - like the stretch of the A215 north of Herne Hill to Denmark Hill, part of it a dual carriageway, which has had a 20mph limit slapped on it by Southwark council.

B(r)othel in ■■■■■■■ by any chance?

They’ve already got the wind farm, can’t see the issue in a solar park myself.

No mate, its by Broughton
Gifford near Melksham. One complainer in the paper is associated with a UK and European haulage company, on about lorries in the lanes.

Another Nimby yarn, in September 2012 public consultation displaying proposal for a 22 Hectare solar panel farm.
Family that live near the solar site only find out of it’s construction in March 2014,they complain to council to say the fields for dog walking has gone,locals annoyed ,even though they are surrounded by other fields.

April 2014,locals complain life is miserable due to convoys of foreign lorries blocking lanes to get unloaded.

March 2015,High Court Judge rules that the site must be dismantled at a cost to tax payers of 1.5 .million, there is no second hand market for the panels.
The owner of a Grade two listed house wins the court case to remove the 10.5 million site, due to the council not consulting the English Hetitage.

Villagers now compaining of more misery as the lorries must return to remove all the equipment and panels.Locals moan the lanes had six inches of mud and couldn’t get through but in the photo in the paper, it shows room for any size vehicle to pass.
Well, are they now happy, they can now walk
their dogs.
How did the family not notice building work going on and not read the planning application posted in the vivicinity.?
They maintain that they were not informed about the development of the site.
Do the locals think of fleet of Chinooks will pick up the panels, lorries have to come back, tough mammaries, the site is going.

understand what you are saying but my opinion is I think they [the panels] are an eyesore in the fields,bit like the windfarms

but we all want energy to pop out nowhere… all happy to use it but dont want it to be produced near us… tbh there is countless sites near me and i think they are good, once they are up and running its a good thing for everyone, just everyone needs to curb their energy usage.

I must be the only one. But I think windfalls look ■■■■■■■ majestic! Not just one lonely turbine, but several. There is one with 7 or 8 near our other depot and the view when the sun comes behind them is awesome.

Each to their own I suppose.

If they stuck solar panels on every south facing hose roof then they wouldn’t need to use fields. It should be part of the building regs for new houses.

They’ve made my life a bloody misery since 1979 when I started driving the ■■■■ things :laughing:

At the current stage, it’s removal is not certain just yet. The High Court ruling was to make Wiltshire Council review the application, on the basis that English Heritage were not consulted in view of the challenger’s (Mr Gerber) house being Grade II* listed and he not directly being informed.
Good on them. Just now the Wiltshire landscape is being ruined with these solar farms. All seem to be rn a main line of site. One north of Westbury can be seen from the White Horse and most of Westbury town itself, another just of the A361 Caen Hill near Devizes can be seen from all around, this one is 90 acres!! Another large one did get thrown out, it was planned north east of Melksham. The lead challenger there was Winston Churchill’s great grandson I believe, Jack Churchill.He also objected to my boss putting up a new building to store firewood, (we think).

With the amount of industrial and business parks in West Wiltshire alone now, there is adequate roof space, I am sure, for these premises to produce their own power. Obviously not all of it but a contribution at lease. There is also plenty of areas not overlooked if these parks are so bloody vital, Wroughton airfield for starters.
Just can’t see how an island shaped and battered by the sea,cannot harness that same power for its own good!

I must be the only one. But I think windfalls look [zb] majestic! Not just one lonely turbine, but several. There is one with 7 or 8 near our other depot and the view when the sun comes behind them is awesome.

Each to their own I suppose.

Nope, me too. I think it’s amazing how we can build something so much bigger than ourselves, I really like them on the backdrop!

They are certainly easier on the eye than pylons

me 3, I think turbines look majestic and graceful against a sunset, bet the same Luddites would say the Falkirk Wheel is an eyesore.

Lorries making life a misery? only if you drive the ■■■■■■ things

No mate, its by Broughton
Gifford near Melksham. One complainer in the paper is associated with a UK and European haulage company, on about lorries in the lanes.

Must be a bug round there, I’ve noticed a few “NO THE THE RANGE” placards between the M4 and Westbury recently, no idea where the proposed site is that they’re complaining about though.

They are all Nimbys down that way. A friend of mine has a haulage co in Steeple Ashton (GT Browns) established in 1872. He gets a lot of complaints (he is based right in the village) but quite rightly points out that he was there first, albeit with a horse and cart delivering hay! There are no restrictions on his licence, and it not unusual for Carlsberg to rock up in the middle of the night for a trailer swap. The neighbours kitchen is about 6 feet away from the back of the trailer when you drop it. Tim’s commute consists of walking about 20 feet across the lane to the office!

Conan the Librarian:

No mate, its by Broughton
Gifford near Melksham. One complainer in the paper is associated with a UK and European haulage company, on about lorries in the lanes.

Must be a bug round there, I’ve noticed a few “NO THE THE RANGE” placards between the M4 and Westbury recently, no idea where the proposed site is that they’re complaining about though.

On the Chippenham by-pass, the northern end as you approach the Morrisons roundabout with Morrisons on your right, The Range is mean’t to be going on the left.

Residents are right in one thing, solar farm construction sites are the biggest ■■■■ holes around. They resemble the Somme, I’ve yet to see one that hasn’t made a mess of the nearby road networks. Wendlebury Solar Farm is a disgrace, you can barely make out the auto track mats laid down. The drainage is non existant at these places.