Looks a bit cramped for a night out

But I suppose I’d cope!


Wouldn’t swop my X Reg FM12 for it…or would I?

you would think that spending all this money they spend a few quid on the dash and driving position.

jessicas dad:
you would think that spending all this money they spend a few quid on the dash and driving position.

Whats wrong with the dash or Driving position? Oh BTW, thats a pretty small one really, this is the one I’d like. truckweb.com/images/specImag … Lcs150.htm

Bunch o’ pansies them yanks!

Oh mummy, I’m going to be away from my nice warm bed at home, how could I ever sleep in a normal bunk, it’ll be all cramped.



P.S Can I have that W900L w now please

remind me to get down to the local motorhome dealers and bolt one to back of cab on tue morning.

bedsit on wheels :smiley:

Bunch o’ pansies them yanks!

Oh mummy, I’m going to be away from my nice warm bed at home, how could I ever sleep in a normal bunk, it’ll be all cramped.



P.S Can I have that W900L w now please

I’d be happy with a new mattress at this point. :smiley:

those kenworths are an absolute dream to drive, the daycabs are awful for tall people though

try this one

westernstar.com.au/wstar_au/ … _Sheet.pdf

hope none of bentons drivers see them they’ll drive em for £4.00 an hour.

A bedsit on wheels.

Our eastern Europeans would pay rent on them,

never mind getting overnight allowance. :laughing:

ive had a look in one of those western star stratosphere cabs (anyone whos checked my link above), and for the size of the cab, which appears fairly small for a bonnetted sleeper, you just couldnt imagine how much room and comfort there is inside, now all i need to do is convince the boss to get me one for the RDCs i go to… the fact i cover a 200km sq. radius is not relevant in my thinking :smiley:

Where do i post my CV to get that job? i would do anything to drive a rig like that for work :sunglasses:

Where do i post my CV to get that job? i would do anything to drive a rig like that for work :sunglasses:

Till youve got to squeezxe into a tiny yard.
and you realise youve got a extra 20feet of cab,
to swing in and park as well. lol :laughing:


jessicas dad:
you would think that spending all this money they spend a few quid on the dash and driving position.

Whats wrong with the dash or Driving position? Oh BTW, thats a pretty small one really, this is the one I’d like. truckweb.com/images/specImag … Lcs150.htm

the trouble with big cabs is all the stuff that ends up in them, when I started on the continent 2 small bags did it for me, now its 2 large bags, kingsize quilt, and it would take another 2 large bags to empty all the long term junk from the cab

this picture proves my point

hope none of bentons drivers see them they’ll drive em for £4.00 an hour.

PMSL :laughing:

Where do i post my CV to get that job? i would do anything to drive a rig like that for work :sunglasses:

So we have first one happy to pay rent for that. And he’s not from the East :wink: