Looking to Move to Canada

Hi guys (+ girls).

Me and the wife are looking into the idea of moving to canada in a few years after i get enough experience behind me driving trucks. Ive read about the PNP program, but my story is a bit awkward to understand properly where i would stand with the program.

Basically im already a Canadian Citizen through birth rites, My Father is Canadian . I Have lived in the UK all 29 years of my life , But have dual nationality (got my citizen card at the age of about 12).

So, how would i go about getting myself and my wife over to canada doing trucking? am i still eligible for the PNP program or could i jump straight in and just get employment with whoever i wanted (including Local work - as im already a citizen).

What sort of problems would i face with getting my dog over there aswell. what import restrictions do they have on animals. Hes a 2 year old Border Collie

you have a pm mate hope it helps

Why wait,I doubt there looking for more than 1 years experience.The dog probably needs a rabies shot and health certificate from the vet, maybe a few days in quarantine on arrival.You might need to get a dog license,depending on where you end up.

Basically im already a Canadian Citizen through birth rites, My Father is Canadian . I Have lived in the UK all 29 years of my life , But have dual nationality (got my citizen card at the age of about 12).

You are already a Canadian citizen, so you are clear to go, but you have to sponsor you wife. If you have children, you have to apply for Canadian citizenship for them.

Contact the Canadian embassy in London, and they will give you the forms. It’s really quite simple.

For the time being, get some experience in the UK and you’ll have no problem getting a job in Canada. You’re at a great age to make the move.

If you have any questions, please feel free to pm me.