Looking into getting Class C

Hi all,

New to the forum but have been reading a fair few threads.

Basically I’m tempted to go for a class C licence to start with (funds are pretty tight so cant go straight for the big boys). Already seen that it’s best to go direct to the training provider (was reading that when a somewhat pushy fellow from a broker rang me quoting £1099 for Cat C).

A quick search on the jobcentre showed me that most of the jobs want 2 years experience, so would have to push hard for my first job. I’m not expecting it to be an easy ride, but I do love to drive. Have noticed that agencies are always crying out for new drivers saying there’s a shortage, but with my experience of agencies for other work I know they can be able to fertilise the countryside with what they are able to come out with.

Apart from the experience wanted for most roles, is the job market still pretty tough? Or is it picking up again now the economy is a little less screwed?

My Mrs is also worried that I would have more trouble with my knees (have degenerated cartilage in both but doesn’t affect driving car. Driving a car gives less pain than walking). Guy from broker said that shouldn’t be an issue as on modern trucks the controls are as light as in a car. Is he right about this?


I would have more trouble with my knees (have degenerated cartilage in both but doesn’t affect driving

From what I gather most newbie jobs require a lot of handball/manual work so that could be an issue for you

The best work for you (considering the knees) would be artic trunking. Normally not too much manual work and if you get in and out of the cab properly then no real effort on the knees. Also bear in mind that many newer trucks are auto and those that are manual are almost as light as a car. (Clearly this varies).

Rog’s comment is fair but applies very much to CAT C which is why I suggest CE.

Best of luck, no matter what you decide.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

I am a newbie too, only passed 2 weeks ago. I have managed to find work. Yes it is through an agency and yes it does involve a fair bit of handball but it all counts to that vital experience that is needed to get something better. What ROG and Pete have said is spot on. Most class 2 work for newbies will likely involve multi drop, lots of handball and lots of unloading etc where as class 1 work generally involves less physical work but will cost more to get.

Thanks guys. Not too worried about my knees to be honest. Exercise would prob help them as doc and Mrs keep insisting on reminding me :unamused:

Just looked at the D4 form for the medical. Glad I did as printed out an eye chart … now need to ring opticians 1st thing Monday. Rest of it shouldn’t be a problem. Relieved I checked before paying out for the medical itself.

Just looked at the D4 form for the medical. Glad I did as printed out an eye chart … now need to ring opticians 1st thing Monday. Rest of it shouldn’t be a problem. Relieved I checked before paying out for the medical itself.

The doctor did my eye test

Found an eye chart I could print out and use from 6m away. Wasn’t able to read the required lines, so need to get myself some specs.

Guess 6 years working nights sat in front of a computer screen for 10 hours really hasn’t helped with that.


Just looked at the D4 form for the medical. Glad I did as printed out an eye chart … now need to ring opticians 1st thing Monday. Rest of it shouldn’t be a problem. Relieved I checked before paying out for the medical itself.

The doctor did my eye test

A doctor can do the eye test only if you don’t wear glasses.

If you do wear glasses (or contacts) then you have to go to your optician as they have to record the dioptres of your lenses (measurement of the optical power of the lens). This measurement is required on the form and has to be within a certain range to pass the medical. Only the optician will have this information.

i have 01 code next to all my LGV gained by passing DSA test but Dr does eye test

If DVLA want more then they will say so by letter after receiving D4

I know the D4 changed at the beginning of the year to update the eye test part of it.

Looks like he doctor can still sign it off, but he’d need the information from your prescription anyway so I just got the optician to do it.

The optician had never done one before, he was aware it would cost £15 though. :unamused:

The optician had never done one before, he was aware it would cost £15 though

Classic :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

My optician didn’t charge me :smiley:

I understand DVLA are still accepting the old D4 forms, my GP did all mine on the old D4 and it was still accepted, no need to go to optician.

Not sure how long they will be accepted the old D4 for but as mentioned above…if DVLA want more info they would send you to optician.


Fair play…so I could have used the old D4 then and saved myself a trip to the opticians. Oh well, at least my optician did it for free.