Looking for work in or to germany

Anyone got any idea if there are any German firms hiring, or Brit firms running regular to Germany who I could try for a job with?
long shot I know.

Danke sehr.

Anyone got any idea if there are any German firms hiring, or Brit firms running regular to Germany who I could try for a job with?
long shot I know.

Danke sehr.

Gehe auf eine von Deutchland forums und fragen !!! :smiley:

Danke für die hilfreiche Antwort :unamused: Vielleicht hat jemand ja eine ernstgemeinte Antwort

QUIPREE hast du rein geschaut beim JAEGER BOCHUM,
oder ILS Wuppertal,/Selm, Auch beim UNNA sind ein paar Firma
wenn DU schaust im Ruhr Pott gibt viel Möglichkeit,

Danke für die hilfreiche Antwort :unamused: Vielleicht hat jemand ja eine ernstgemeinte Antwort

Why do you consider my answer not to be seriuos ■■? I think you would have a far better chance of finding a job using the German Forums than here, but knowing Germany is in just as deep ■■■■ as the UK good luck. You might have more joy asking a Swiss company but may have difficulty getting a work permit.

Just thought that it would have been obvious that I would or had already asked around in a German forum. :smiley:

Just thought that it would have been obvious that I would or had already asked around in a German forum. :smiley:

Sorry i failed telepathy at school :laughing: Den warum hast du das den nicht gesagt, statt ein sakastisches antwort. :unamused:

schau mal rein beim Truckerfreunde.de hier gibst ein Post über
Arbeit stellen,


Danke für die hilfreiche Antwort :unamused: Vielleicht hat jemand ja eine ernstgemeinte Antwort

Why do you consider my answer not to be seriuos ■■? I think you would have a far better chance of finding a job using the German Forums than here, but knowing Germany is in just as deep [zb] as the UK good luck. You might have more joy asking a Swiss company but may have difficulty getting a work permit.

i don’t think germany are that badly off as the UK, they’ve got the strongest economy in the EU, production levels are high and there’s plenty of work.
i go there 3 times a month and never have problems to find loads or with the rates

as regards work, its the wages point as many firms will wish only to
pay say €1800 BEFORE tax for a months work for some jobs and
that includes International work, the trend is in Germany that
many who are working do not get
enough to live on and have to get a TOP-UP from the German government
along with Housing credits, and they work say 200hrs a month plus in some cases
the good firms in Germany are now hard to get into as the staff stays and the
firms have a waiting list, of applicants,the wages in the 1980–1990 were
good but after the wall fell and the eastern blocks found capitalism thats when
the wages began to fall, let us hope that with the advent of the drivers CPC
and the rising costs the drivers shortage will effect and increase wages once more
for all those still working out there

a little update

have just spoken to three friends who told me what they are earning
at present the first is married and so pays less tax ,he is in International
tanker work and does 3weeks away and then a long long weekend off
takes home after tax with expenses and as per the law =€3000
it can vary if there are bank holidays as that pays more,
The second is a unmarried Guy working in a double team either D–GB–D
or D–DK–D takes home €2000 plus expenses , which vary s,
The Third guy is also married and is on €11.65 a hour no expenses are paid , However he claims these back from the TAX-OFFICE at the end of the year fully, which can bring a large tax refund, his average wage is
around €2400after tax can be higher if he works overtime and Sundays
and bank holidays,

a little update

have just spoken to three friends who told me what they are earning
at present the first is married and so pays less tax ,he is in International
tanker work and does 3weeks away and then a long long weekend off
takes home after tax with expenses and as per the law =€3000
it can vary if there are bank holidays as that pays more,
The second is a unmarried Guy working in a double team either D–GB–D
or D–DK–D takes home €2000 plus expenses , which vary s,
The Third guy is also married and is on €11.65 a hour no expenses are paid , However he claims these back from the TAX-OFFICE at the end of the year fully, which can bring a large tax refund, his average wage is
around €2400after tax can be higher if he works overtime and Sundays
and bank holidays,

Well I have lived in Germany for nearly 13 years and have never seen anything like the wages quoted here. The German economy is also in a dire predicament but obviously some people in Britain think they are the only ones having it rough. Over here there is no absolute legal min. wage hence just about all driving jobs are taken up now by Russians, Turks, Poles and God knows what, who are willing to work for next to nothing per hour because its more than they can get in their own country.

OK so what do I earn? well I´ll be honest and up front…I get paid 8 euro 50 an hour and work about 250 to 300 hours a month. Yes and all loading and unloading is done by the driver and we have to book rest periods while doing it. After 48 percent tax there is not much to live on so I have to claim subsistance from the social to help pay the rent etc.

Now I know you are all going to say bigger fool you for doining the job…But THERE IS NOTHING ELSE. As stated in a previous post the good jobs are taken the rest is being fought for by all of Easten Europe and his dog. Now for those of you coming over here 2 or 3 times a month well I´m sorry but you are in no position to know I am…

I would move but the wife will not…so I´m stuck with it.


HI Shaun mate where are you living the jobs I just talked about
one is my old firm where I was employed for over 21 years before
being wrote off as too sick to work, this firm does a mixture of
work the main trade is chemicals in liquid or GAS for plus Food tankers,
they have silos and also do paper transport and also groupage,
they deliver where ever you wish as long as you pay the freight rate be it
Minsk, Helsinki Oslo or down to Gibraltar or any where else,
The second Firm is one which runs Double manned to there customers
and as for the last one this is a tanker firm up by Cloppenburg
YOU will only get paid well if you sell yourself well and also have
Berufskraftfahrer and the ADR certificate, are you doing locals
as for unloading on rest be careful as you will get caught out and
the BAG and Ordnungs Ämt ARE DOING CHECKS MATE

Shaun i was earning €1800netto and expenses could be any thing
between €500–1400 depending how long I was out and how many
sundays and /or Bank holidays I worked,

GIVE US A pm and maybe I can help you find a better Job depending
on what you are looking for,

HI Shaun mate where are you living the jobs I just talked about
one is my old firm where I was employed for over 21 years before
being wrote off as too sick to work, this firm does a mixture of
work the main trade is chemicals in liquid or GAS for plus Food tankers,
they have silos and also do paper transport and also groupage,
they deliver where ever you wish as long as you pay the freight rate be it
Minsk, Helsinki Oslo or down to Gibraltar or any where else,
The second Firm is one which runs Double manned to there customers
and as for the last one this is a tanker firm up by Cloppenburg
YOU will only get paid well if you sell yourself well and also have
Berufskraftfahrer and the ADR certificate, are you doing locals
as for unloading on rest be careful as you will get caught out and
the BAG and Ordnungs Ämt ARE DOING CHECKS MATE

Shaun i was earning €1800netto and expenses could be any thing
between €500–1400 depending how long I was out and how many
sundays and /or Bank holidays I worked,

GIVE US A pm and maybe I can help you find a better Job depending
on what you are looking for,

Well living in Bayern is going to be difficult for jobs going up north. I have no ADR anymore and don´t want it again. The tanker drivers down here get no where near the wages you quote as a matter of fact they get around the same as me. Again to many eastern blockers willing to work for nowt. I may have a good chance of a job for another firm here they pay 2,100 every month netto plus expenses.

As for the BAG and all the others I know them well, I suppose I should do after nearly 30 years on the road. I´ll keep looking but down here its well known the jobs are poorly paid.