Looking for some books

Hello people I have had a search through the boards but only found 1 book. The search facility is not that great on my phone I’m afraid.

I am looking for some books to read on trucking. If anybody can recommend me some or even have some for sale I’d appreciate it.
Thanks in advance Thomas

amazon.co.uk/Coffee-Go-Trave … neil+hobbs

also check out Old Pond Publishing



also check out Old Pond Publishing


Thankyou I appreciate it

The Coffee to go book is by one of the mods on here and is an excellent read

The Coffee to go book is by one of the mods on here and is an excellent read

Thankyou I will go and pick it up.
Thanks again Thomas

Thanks Driver-Once-More, that’s one for the Christmas list. :sunglasses:

I once needed a book. I tried a library first, then a bookshop. Amazon is always a last resort

My trucking life by Brian Maund and 50 shades of tarmac by Andy MacLean (jazzandy on here) are two well worth reading. There are also a couple of good trilogies that I’ve read recently (fiction): the actros trilogy, and the mother trucker trilogy. All of these are available on Amazon / kindle store.

My trucking life by Brian Maund and 50 shades of tarmac by Andy MacLean (jazzandy on here) are two well worth reading. There are also a couple of good trilogies that I’ve read recently (fiction): the actros trilogy, and the mother trucker trilogy. All of these are available on Amazon / kindle store.

Thanks Scaniason I really appreciate it. I have a few books at the moment to keep me going but will definately be looking at them soon.
Thanks again Thomas

Try 1905 by Trotsky .

Bit early for trucks , so he uses trains to distribute revolutionary pamphlets

I still read some old books I got years ago about Australian trucking early days…birdum or burst…A history of roadtrains in the northern territory both cracking reads wae some great stories .