Looking for pics

of any vehicles from Lowes Transport when it was based out of Wilstead, Bedfordshire. I’m trying to get pics together for a sort of scrap book for my father, who used to drive for them. Also any pics of Shell tankers (circa 1970,) Lowes (circa 1980,) Wildmans Transport (circa '89) and K Watsons Ltd (circa 2000.)

I know the latter may be hard to do as the artics, and some of the 8 leggers, had private plates.

I’ve got a couple of Lowe’s pictures somewhere :slight_smile: One is an 8 wheeler Seddon Atkinson 400 and the other I think is an AEC Marshal 6 wheeler - If MikeT is looking in I think the AEC is his picture so if he can find it he might post it up :wink:
By the way Peter Lowe is still living in Wilstead and his son has a Transport company in Ampthill :smiley:


I’ve got a couple of Lowe’s pictures somewhere :slight_smile: One is an 8 wheeler Seddon Atkinson 400 and the other I think is an AEC Marshal 6 wheeler - If MikeT is looking in I think the AEC is his picture so if he can find it he might post it up :wink:
By the way Peter Lowe is still living in Wilstead and his son has a Transport company in Ampthill :smiley:


Thanks for that lemon… I never realised Peter was still living in Wilstead, though he probably wouldn’t reconize me now, I’m 27 yrs older for a start… lol. Though that would surely put him close to 80 or so. :confused:

My father used to drive the Volvo F12 they had.